… and only in Compile.
Hi John,
It just occurred to me that one possible built-in solution for what you want is Scrivener’s Revision Mode.
I haven’t used it in a while, so forget precisely how it works, but you can assign keyboard shortcuts to highlight colors.
By default, there are none assigned.
You can assign shortcuts in Options:
And you can change the Revision Colors in Options:
Check it out, if it sounds promising to you.
Thanks, Jim for thinking about that. I’ve looked at it before and it only allows you to change the text color, not add highlighting. Though, apart from that, it’s a reasonable suggestion. It could even maybe work as an alternate to the inline annotations I’m using now to indicate the synopsis and so forth.
However, I must say that your AutoHotKey suggestion was a very good one. I’ve been using that to very good effect and have been pretty happy with it. I’d still like to see the ability to do it within the program get added, but the AHK workaround is a “Works for me” until it does.
I ended up modifying the one I posted by putting Orange, Red, Green, and Clear on CTRL-7 through CTRL-0. Works like a charm. It isn’t every color, but certainly encompasses probably 80-90% of my use case. So I’m happy with it.
Doh! Yes, of course you’re correct, John, revision mode is about text color, not highlighting.
Glad that AHK is filling the need for the moment. AHK has proved to be a good way to make workarounds. I’ve found that script in the other thread very useful for the Scrivenings PageUpDown issue.
Hi. I realize this thread is a little dated, but I just started working with AHK over the past few days. I had a great macro (purchased) for Word that could toggle through several highlight colors by using Ctrl+Shift+Plus/Minus. The AHK code shown here isn’t quite the same, but it still looks helpful.
For some reason, though, I can’t assign any highlighting to Ctrl+Shift+a number. The script words with Ctrl+j, but not with Ctrl+Shift+0, for example. (I used Ctrl+j because that’s the hotkey used in the first few examples in the AHK tutorial.)
Any idea why I can’t assign this to Ctrl+Shift+a number? I tried several variations today, and sometimes it sent the cursor to the end of the section of text, if that’s any help.
is one of the standard Windows shortcuts for switching between keyboard layouts, and it can be assigned with the addition of a number to go to a specific keyboard layout. Any chance you have your system set up that way? (Depending on your Windows version, I think it’s something like Settings > Devices > Typing > Advanced Keyboard Settings > Input Language Hot Keys.)