Am I organizing this right?

Scrivener will certainly work with this approach, just be aware that features like bookmarks and metadata internal links are specified at the document level, so in the event you ever decide to adopt them, you will find them less useful with chapter-sized documents.

On another topic: As you are coming from Word, it’s important that you understand the differences between how you’d approach saving/backing up Scrivener projects versus Word documents. Particularly, Ctrl+S/Save doesn’t work the same in Scrivener as it does in Word. Also, leaving a project open in Scrivener directly impacts how and when the project is saved/backed up.

I strongly recommend you read this post of mine, which explains these points, as well as Scrivener’s backup settings and my recommendations for each. It was written for the prior version of Scrivener, but the settings haven’t changed, except now you’d reach them via File > Options > Backup.

Knowing how Scrivener’s built-in backup system works will save you sorrow in the event of some future data disaster.

If you have any questions, feel free to post follow-ups here.
