Hi lonestar, welcome to Scrivener and its forums.
If you search these forums you’ll be able to find an explanation from Keith, the developer, of why what you want is not necessarily easy to accomplish. The fundamental reason is that a Scrivener project is in fact a package, or folder, containing tens, possibly hundreds or thousands of files, some of them linked intricately together. It is this structure which would help to enable a Scrivener project to survive corruption damage that could destroy your work with some other writing tools, and also allows you to store your research files within a Scrivener project.
Of course, you can successfuly move zipped projects around in the Cloud between Macs (and PCs, if you have Scrivener for the PC). But the Scrivener project structure does mean that it is more difficult than it is with some writing tools to successfully sync unzipped projects via certain cloud services without damaging the work (although projects created on the Mac can be synced via iCloud, as Bridey points out above). Only Dropbox is currently recommended for syncing between Scrivener for the Mac (or the PC) and Scrivener for iOS on the the iPad and iPhone.The developer, I believe, had to write several thousand lines of code, and as I recall, spend several months doing so, in order to enable successful syncing with iOS via Dropbox.
I know some people distrust Dropbox, for various reasons. Personally, I have kept all my projects on Dropbox for several years - which means that they are also on my desktop and laptop, and accessible to my iPad - and so far I have not had any problems.