Any thoughts on unified memory?

For sure. I don’t do much video work these days, and when I do, a chunk of it can just be done on my phone… (tech these days!). Largest assets I work with are very short fashion shoot videos & large PhotoShop docs.

I will definitely move my Scriv files out of DropBox.

I ordered the MBP this morning and opted for 64 GB of memory and a 2 T SSD plus the annual extended warranty.


Good move if not needed. Otherwise, have used it for years with no problems to sync my two Macs and two iOS devices.

I don’t need it as I only use Scrivner on one device.

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@Orpheus with 64gb you will be able to run a heavily quaternized version of llama 3.1 70B or other similar sized models. Lmstudio has the MLX engine designed for apple silicon.

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Glad to see you got the 2TB drive.
Another thing I dont think was mentioned earlier. The way mac OS operates - if for some reason memory becomes an issue (not that it will with 64GB) it will use part of the harddrive as temp swap memory. The smaller the drive - the less space to do this. Also there is a speed difference between the smaller and bigger drive. So enjoy your new machine. I assume it is the M4 (but any of them are great).

Yes it is the M4 Max the faster version.