Can I label story arcs in card view?

Hi there! I think it would be lovely to be able to label story arcs in card view so I can which character arcs are being represented. I use card view extensively to scout potential arcs for characters and storylines but always have to remember them or name the cards rather than be able to name the colored lines their attached to as storylines. Would this be possible in future updates?

You can use the Label field for whatever you like, and show it in the Binder, the Outliner, and/or the Corkboard view. Look for the View → Use Label Color In options to apply the color, Project → Project Settings → Label List to define what the colors stand for.


Using Keywords for character arcs, you can get colored chips on your Index Cards…


oooh I was not aware! Thank you for the info!

A couple more paths:

  1. You can use iconization for docs that represent any aspect of the doc, which could be particular character arcs, or anything else. When you search in the Editor, usually by a word or word group, the list that appears where the Binder typically appears will contain those icons, meaning you can quickly see what is relevant and what is not.

  2. You can change maybe the first word of such a doc to a distinct color (other than the typical colors or revision colors), and then use ‘Find by Formatting’ to search for items that have this, which creates a separate category.

And of course you can set the compiler to turn all text to black, meaning any colorization remains in the docs, yet does not appear in the compile.

  1. You can also create Collections that categorize docs that pertain to particular things like character arcs, and these are not mutually exclusive—if there are two things about a doc you wish to add to Collections, there can be a Collections group for each of those things, and that doc can appear listed in both.

This is all amazing info! I explored some of these solutions last night, and it’s a game-changer. :slight_smile: I will also have to check out the word grouping and iconization! I love creating searchable and trackable databases, so it seems Scrivener already has what I need! :slight_smile: