Changing default Asian character font (Japanese)

  1. What language is your interface set to (Preferences > General > Language)? If it’s the system language, what language is that?
  2. Is all your text to be in Japanese, or will it be a mixture of Japanese and another language like English?
  3. If it’s primarily Japanese, go to Preferences > Editing > Formatting, click in the sample panel text then on the “Aa” button above and choose the font you wish to use from the standard dialog; if you then need to insert something in Roman letters, it will switch to the default Roman character font.
  4. I use English mostly but I often have bits I type in Chinese. Rather than using the default PingFang SC for the Chinese, I have created a Chinese character style matching my editing font, to which I’ve added a keyboard shoirtcut. You might think of doing the same for your secondary language.

When you have set it up the way you want, Documents > Convert > Text to Default Formatting… is your friend for all your existing text.

Hope that helps.

