Chapter Scene Numbers in Folders

Yes, numbering is all relative to the top level that you are viewing. So for something closest to a “universal numbering”, it’s best to click on the Draft and use the Outliner view, which shows 1, 1.1, 1.2 style numbering that may roughly match the output.

It can’t really do that though, because Scrivener does not limit its outliner the way some tools might. Some of the many challenges with that idea are described in this post:

One problem with the notion in general is that Scrivener is too flexible for something like true print-accurate numbering to be easily implemented. Consider for example, those who like to keep writing notes directly alongside the manuscript, by disabling the “Include in Compile” checkbox in the Inspector. Such files will not print when you compile. Should they be numbered? Probably not, but not everyone uses that feature the way I just described it—some use it to temporarily exclude portions of the manuscript so they can proof three or so chapters, in that case the excluded stuff probably should be numbered—-and that is just one potential complication with one feature.

Do note that post is rather old, and makes reference to future ideas for features that now exist in the outliner.

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