Compile Options are not saved

Every set of compile formats like plain text, epub, docx and doc do not save there election of files, Titel and Appendix. What is had expected, that every compile format saves all the one time election, that is made for the first compile.

What happens, that you have to check every time you change the compile format all the other settings as well, because they may got changed.

Version 3.4 of Scrivener on MacOS

As described, that is not at all what I see in Scrivener.

Where do you save your Scrivener Project? Into a folder synced with some internet service? Are you using Scrivener Formats? Or “My Formats”? Or Project-specific formats?

There are Scrivener compile formats.
You may edit/personalise these and must save them as a My Format or a Project Format.
You are able to edit/personalise the My Format and Project Formats you saved and either save them under their current names, overwriting what you saved before, or give them a new name, so you have more formats saved.
Are you assigning your section layouts to your section types? It may be a solution in this instance.

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The project is directly saved in a DropBox-Folder for syncing on all of my devices.
I am working always on the dropbox version.
I use Project Formats for epub and Plain Text. For odt i used a standard format.
So changing to a standard format and back to the Project format seems the problem.

Yes i am assingning my section layouts to my section type. At Least for epub and Plain Text.

I will investigate further. Thanks for the tip