Considering Mac to iPad switch — features?

Chiming in here…

I have been working primarily on my iPad Pro when it comes to writing my middle grade novel. I used to use my Mac desktop version and occasionally do some novel writing there (mainly when it comes to reorg stuff not easily done on my iPad).

Reason I made the switch:

Less distractions when using my iPad. I try to do my writing first thing in the morning, and usually do it at the dining room table, before heading down to my basement office for my regular/contracted work (I write and illustrate picture books for a living).

I travel a lot, and want to keep writing when I do. Being used to writing on an iPad makes it easier to get into the environment headspace right away, rather than waste precious minutes trying to adjust to the differences re: iOS Scrivener and Mac Scrivener.

How I use it:

I am almost always using split screen. On the left, I have Scrivener open. On the right, I usually have Notes open, or iBooks (I’m going through John Truby’s writing book), or other reference.

I’ve seen in the forums that there IS a way to have two Scrivener documents side by side on my iPad Pro, but also seen that this can be buggy, so I haven’t yet tried this but plan to figure it out.

One thing I’ve learned: to always make sure to do syncing before closing the app and switching to another device.

Thanks for everyone’s input in comments above!

(longtime Scrivener user)

Maybe because I have a small (9.7”) iPad Pro, I tend to use Scrivener ‘s Quick Reference to display my notes and references alongside the text I’m writing instead of split screening with Notes. Maybe worth a try. Glad you found a system that works for you.