Czech quotation Mark is making new line


I have an issue with czech quotation marks in the end of the quotation. I google it and I’m lost.

If I’m writing and ending quotation with punctation before it (as czech language need for proper grammar) it take the quotation mark and put it on new line alone. I can’t find a way how to fix it.

On mac I make quotation with command+shift+N and quotation end with command+shift+H

I have the same problem in different software (affinity publisher) and i fix it by instalation czech dictionare for punctation? (I don’t remember - there was a czech guid step by step.)

Affinity might be a little different, because I think a lot of their code is cross-platform. For normal Mac programs you should not have to download anything, you would want to search for how to set up Czech style smart quotes in your System Settings or Preferences, for your version of macOS (Apple moves them around). I should think with that set up right, you would then get proper punctuation by only typing with the one quote key on the keyboard (Ů).

This works for me anyway, if I set my keyboard to Czech in the Keyboard settings area, and then use the „abc“ setting for double quotes, then back in Scrivener, making sure smart quotes are turned on (Edit ▸ Substitutions ▸ Smart Quotes), I can then type and the software changes the quote direction automatically.

I don’t know if that will solve what you are seeing though, because I’m pretty sure N and H make the same exact characters (it would be bad if they did not!).

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Smart quotation works as you mention, but even then it makes same issue. I might not be so cleare with my explanation and I’m really sorry about that.

I will try show here on example text, what is happening with czech closing quotation mark in the longer text:

Něco sem napíšu: „tohle je text, na kterém chci ukázat, co dělají uvozovky na konci řádku.

The closing quotation mark, when it’s on the ending of the line, jumps separately on the next line alone (but there is no space between punctation and quotation).

I hope that this explanation works better and example shows what i mean.

Thank you for your help.

Okay! I now understand what you mean better—I was thinking that it was always breaking to a new line after the closing quote, even if it was at the beginning of a line. So the problem is that word wrap itself does not correctly see that this is punctuation that should “stick” to the punctuation beside it, in those rare cases where there isn’t enough space for the the two punctuation marks.

Yes, I am seeing that now, and unfortunately I see the same exact thing in Apple’s free TextEdit program, which uses the same text editor that Scrivener does. That means we can’t fix it ourselves, it is an Apple bug. Sometimes things like this happen where a feature in Scrivener is messing up the text editor (for example, something complicated like the line numbering feature), and we can try to make things work together better. But if both Scrivener and TextEdit act the same, it is like trying to change the words on a sheet of paper by only using the magnifying glass you are looking at them through. :slight_smile:

On the bright side, it is only cosmetic. Word wrapping is not something that exports or compiles. So when you open the file in Word, or whatever you use after Scrivener, it should be fine.