Da Nu McBook Pro'sezes

4 teh win!1!



I just snorted… :blush: :laughing:

I think this is the first time that our rampant off-topicking has circled back around into the topic title itself, so that its wanton chaos is no longer restricted to within its own confines.

Also, Apple might have inspired others to use GUIs but (a) they didn’t invent it; and (b) I’m fairly sure Microsoft was pretty dominant at the time, and can put in a fairly solid claim for popularising it via Windows.

Don’t forget “the world’s first practical pocket computer” :wink:

I still have a working 5mx. Sad to see its software descendant, Symbian, abandoned last week by Nokia.

So yes they released this morning.

Sandy CPUs Thunderbolt (Lightpeak) and better Graphics card.

What is nice is the 15s and 17s are now QUAD core CPUs. (i7s)

Getting ready to buy a 15 here real shortly.

Only the highend 15’ and the 17’ got a better graphics card. The low-end 15’ GPU is worse than the 2010 series. It doesn’t matter ofcourse if you don’t use it.
I’m a bit disappointed the 13’ didn’t get the 1440x900 screen like the MBA, that would be very nice.