This option is not part of 3.0.3 but will be available in the next free update to 3.x. This update is still a few weeks away.
All the best,
This option is not part of 3.0.3 but will be available in the next free update to 3.x. This update is still a few weeks away.
All the best,
Hi, Keith.
In the sample US Stage Play project attached, using the default settings, the dual-dialogue character names are scrunched down into single-letter columns when compiled. KEITH becomes:
If I go into Script Settings and change the character first-line and left indents from 3 inches to 2 inches, the names compile as one would hope, but the alignment of all the character names in the script are shifted to the left.
How do I set the alignments for the dual-dialogue elements so that they look like your sample and are independent of the main character names?
Thanks in advance.
Slàinte mhòr.
US Stage (75.9 KB)
For completeness, this post relates to this thread:
Does anyone have any ideas in respect of the question above? How is dual dialogue formatted / spaced during compile?
Thanks in advance.
Slàinte mhòr.
One last bump, in hope…
Slàinte mhòr.