File Incompatible After Unrelated Crash

Hi folks,

I’ve got a Win7, Dell Studio 1569 and it likes to randomly shut down. (Really need to get that fixed.)

So, it did this while I was working in Scrivener, and I though, oh, no biggie. Scrivener saves every 2 seconds and I haven’t typed in a few. So the file should be fine.

But. When I tried to open my project file, it now says “Project … is incompatible with this version of Scrivener. The project at D:/…DC.scriv is incompatible with this version of Scrivener.” :cry:

The RTF documents and such all seem to be okay in the folder. Is there a way to un-incompatible my files? I’ve got a lot of notecards already set up.

EDIT: Workaround fix is here: Also, ETA, the “crash” in the title was probably a overheating shutdown rather than a system crash of Win7.

:cry: I am also having this problem. My kids shut my laptop on me and when I opened it it had shut down and now my project is “incompatible with this version” PLEASE HELP!!!

Same issue here, I cannot access my work at all :frowning:

Well, I went and looked at the RTF files of the incompatible project.

They are all there, but any that I modified last night when the crash occurred are just blank. Pages upon pages of nothing but spaces where letters used to be. Which I am assuming means that I cannot ever get that text back, even if I could open this .scrivx file.

I know this is beta software, but I cannot chance leaving my project up to this kind of loss. Sad day :frowning:

Have you guys posted this on the bug hunt forum?

I added it.