Help needed

What the 'verse were you thinking?!!

Imagine a universe with two of me! :smiling_imp: Yeah!
Comma Abuse
would become a universal religion, as Scientology paled into insignificance. Hmmm … could be good, eh?

Imaging the sitcoms that would be generated simply from the two yous having a conversation. Endless entertainment.

Humankind is already a basket case. I couldn’t inflict two of me on them.
Neither could I … they’re suffering enough as it is.

Well sure, if you have to. Some of us have both.

What’s with this whole thing about reason and wit?

They’re yin and yan to each other. To borrow from McCarthy, they are “each the other world’s entire”

To borrow from Shakespeare, “they are two spent swimmers that choke their art”

Mutually interdependent to the extent that they are dependently mutual.

I can’t think of anything else intelligent to say. So I’ll just leave things at that yo.

Back to Kant.

I prefer the “Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup” theory.

Except I can’t eat peanut butter, so not like that. Back up…oh, here we go.

It’s like a cake donut. You have the cake part, and the hole part. If you don’t have the cake, you have nothing and that is sad. If you don’t have the hole, you have an unfrosted cupcake and that is just SAD.

Only by having both the cake and the hole do you have a cake donut.

And then you eat it, and you are HAPPY, and then you have nothing, and that is sad.

Pretty sure someone called Marie sad something about eating cake, but I Kant remember exactly what. All I know is I have an empty Plato.

…what were we talking about again?

(Thanks, guys, I really want a cake donut or six now.)

unfortunately, its encroachment is insidious and relentless. :frowning:

And you’ve made my point.

Folks are typically too busy being focused on “reason” to find and exercise wit. Rarely do you find wit in the absence of reason though. Those that choose to let reason be the slave to them, opposed to the current trend of being a salve to reason, tend toward positive outlooks and humorous wit. I offer our precious Mr K as a prime example of the latter.

I see the cake as wit, and reason as the hole. Even without frosting the cake is more enjoyable than the hole. And I know enough “holes” to tell you that reason can make a person very unenjoyable.

Don’t beat too much on Kant. He spent most of his life in his room, thinking up things like why reason is reason. And if you get him, you’ll find he’s worth the effort.

Now here’s the question: is there a thing that is witty and yet not reasonable? There are plenty of things reasonable and not witty. So there’s not so much a yin and yan relationship as I earlier thought.

Hmmm … Freudian slippage, perhaps?
Do take care
Dr Mulality.

You naughty, dirty little man, vic-k. This is supposed to have been an intelligent conversation about Kant or something like that. Now you’ve made it about ‘holes’ and things that go into holes.

I take it back, one CAN be witty, WITHOUT being a creature of reason…vic-k take this then as a compliment sir. a compliment.

The aforementioned ‘one’ to whom you refer, would that be Dr Mulality, or my good self?
Hey! worrabout me!? Could be me he’s talkin’ about.
Possibly, possibly … nobody’s perfect

Since I’m “nobody” that makes me perfect. Right?

My friend, you aren’t “nobody” … you’re “no-head”!


Mr X

And there you have it, yossi, reason and wit … from a master :wink: Its Genius and simplicity, render all other superlatives redundant.
Nice one Mr X :smiley:


I’m nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there’s a pair of us – don’t tell!
They’d banish – you know!

How dreary to be somebody!
How public like a frog
To tell one’s name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

– some lady from Mass’chusetts who was also a bit tetched. And wicked talented.

A symptom of unrequited lust?

Time to take it up a notch (cou’n’t go no lower).

A visiting foreigner has a right not to be treated as an enemy. It’s not that he or she has a right to be received as a guest or accepted into the society, but just that he or she has a right to visit — for all people have the right to offer themselves as potential members of any society. All people have this right because their common possession is the surface of the earth, and since they can’t spread out for ever (because the earth is a finite sphere), they must eventually tolerate each other’s presence.

– Immanuel Kant, “On Perpetual Peace”