Help to put in a "bookmark"?

If you scroll up you’ll find some good basic tips for doing something similar. I have also written up a more extensive how-to on point-to-point linking in general, and the various ways in which one can do that.

Something to consider though, and the reason Scrivener doesn’t have a directly analogous feature, is that its outline sidebar is meant to address most of the reasons for why you would want to jump to a specific point in your work. As noted in that linked thread: the answer to the question of how to link to something in the middle of 5,000 words is: you probably don’t have your text split up enough yet. Some never come around to fully embracing that way of working, but it’s worth knowing there is a sliding scale for how useful Scrivener’s various features get, and how long of a chunk of text is represented by each outline entry.

Even so, there are good techniques for marking up significant points within individual outline nodes, as mentioned above. They just don’t serve as direct links and require a second step of some means.