Help with User Guide (Hard Copy)

Is there a Hard Copy of User Manual?

If there is, where and how can I buy a copy?

We do not supply a hard copy manual, but you are welcome to print some or all of the manual for yourself. It’s supplied as a PDF file for exactly that reason.

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I am aware of the pdf, however I would like a paperback or hard copy.

The .pdf print settings are a pain in neck, hence, why I am looking for a paperback or hard copy.

I would even pay someone who can provide said copies.

[Email redacted]
Thanks ahead of time.

I’ve redacted your email address for your own protection. Anyone wishing to help can send a private message through the forum.


Because it’s possible in my city, any copy/print shop can print and bind a copy for you. while I did not do that with the Scrivener Manual, I’ve done 200-300 page manuals that were formatted for A4 but I printed and bound for A5. Perfect. If your location does not have such a service, I’m sure you can find commercial services via internet search that will do it and then ship you the book.

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Why didn’t I think this? Brilliant and thank you very much.

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Thank you very much!

If you are going to print the latest User Manual, make sure you print the latest version (at least for macOS) which currently shows 3.4.0. Scrivener was updated within the last week.


Good point but I am using Windows 11 and I only see
July, 2023

Please advise, Thank you.

I think this link might work for the latest:

Scrivener 3 User Manual

Literature & Latte › downloads › s…


918 pages

That is the latest Windows version, and the manual that opens from the Help menu should be current (for Windows).


Thank you for this. let’s see what happens.

The latest version will always be the one you can download from the website. If the copy you have ends in ‘01’ then it is the one that shipped with the software, and unless it just came out, is most likely old (the Mac PDF that shipped a few days ago is already older than the website). The copy on the website for Windows is revision ‘04’.

I am about to upload a fifth update to it, in fact, probably later today, which would include fixes and rewrites made during the recent macOS development cycle. So I would suggest waiting for ‘05’ to go up, before going to the expense of printing it.


Okay, I just uploaded revision, which incorporates edits from over the past two months.

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Can you post the link to

I want to be certain I am getting the right version.

Thank you.

Go to Learn & Support - Literature & Latte and click on “User Manuals”. Simple. While there, look at all the other resources available to you.

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This is Perfect, thank you very much.