Hemingway Mode

This forum definitely needs a Like button for posts such as this one! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A font like Wingdings or the like could work as well.

Ooh, I like that. It’s got the appearance of Astrid’s cypher method, but easy to crack.

You could of course just resolve not to edit your writing till it’s time to do so…

… and stick to your decision. :smiley:

That’s crazy talk, Hugh! Don’t you know that the human will is impossible!? Or was that indomitable? I always get those confused.

I still think computers are eventually going to evolve to a point where typed words get “written” directly to hard copy as you go. A “type-to-write …er”, if you will. It’s the wave of the future! They might even make a version that doesn’t require electricity. I know, I know, that’s also crazy talk. That gives me an idea…

grabs electric pen

But why stop there, Robert? I want to be able to put a helmet on, imagine the book, and that’s it. None of that typing malarkey. I could party every night. Scrivener 10?

Now you’re just talking Buck Rogers nonsense. Seriously, I suppose you also expect to someday have a camera that doesn’t require film, or a phone without buttons!

Have you tried visiting Haven, Maine and wandering through the woods to see if you can trip over any mysterious protruding metal objects?

I like where you’re going. While your at it, see if you can invent something that takes the same concept and applies it to freeform sketching.


Are we boring you? Sorry. This is the kind of crap you have to wade through if we start posting without editing as we go…

Linda, is that you?

:slight_smile: Where is Linda these days? She always put Vic-K in his place.

pseingalt - I’m sorry your feature request has turned into a bit of a free-for-all; I haven’t stepped in or closed the thread because it’s all been in good humour, I think, and we listen to all feature requests - hopefully my earlier reply explanation for why your feature request isn’t something that fits into Scrivener puts things to rest (I’m the developer). Also, funnily enough the original working title for Scrivener was “Hemingway” for a while.

You do realize how terrible that would have been? It would be like having your wife put a picture of Brad Pitt over the bed then …

Well you get the idea.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Humpf!
There should be a warning for this sort of posts, now there is tea all over the screen and keyboard!

Didn’t you mwan “Hump!” :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Ah! a tea moment! Longqing, Tieguanyin, Zhengshan Xiaozhong, Pu’er …? :wink:

Mr X

I hate myself for saying it, but…


I’m stuck consuming lipton this morning. I need to find a moving train.

pseingalt, if you wander around here enough, you’ll see this kind of off-topicing all over, especially once the official word has come down from Keith. It’s just part of the quirk that keeps some of us cranky old fogies coming back.

It took ages to get the missus to replace the Boris Karloff painting; I’d settle for Brad’s dreamy bedroom eyes…

Ahh, Linda. :smiling_imp: Don’t y’ just love being told what t’ do, by a dominant female 8) :wink: grrrr

This old thread inspired me to write a short Autohotkey script that implements the Astrohaus Freewrite’s version of a Hemingaway distraction-free mode for Scrivener. You can get the script here.
