How can I see a page number in entire manuscript?

The current Windows version is unable to see – and treat – a scrivening as a single document.
It is more of a collage, without any cross document boundaries functionalities. (None or close to none.)
The Mac version does, and so it opens up the door to more functions, such as this one.

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This said, I think it might be doable using placeholders that get replaced with the proper page number at compile. (?)
(You can see a complete list of all the available placeholders from the help menu.)

If not, where you want those numbers, do it yourself for the time being using a custom tag. Put it at both end, and once you’ve compiled your final, search and replace them accordingly in Word ?

I have already made available pre-formatted tags (though for a different purpose) that perhaps you could in this case use.
They’re here :

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