How could Scrivener show the item marked / selected when I click “Reveal in Binder” or press that shortcut? So that I would not have to search for that item in the binder, but could see it because it is marked / selected then, instead of not being marked / selected and / or shown in the part of binder not being visible at the moment.
It’s called the SelectedItemColor.
I beg you pardon, what?
Antoni is that theme only and not thru the options panel under Appearance?
You have control over that color in a Theme. I don’t know if you can change it in the Settings…
Couldn’t find a setting for it in options panel.
Perhaps the OP is looking for the “Reveal in Binder” menu item in the context menu of a section, reached via a right-click on the icon in the Titlebar?
Just guessing here, the actual request is not very clear.
Just guessing here, maybe your reading is not very clear. What don’t you understand?
This is asking how Scrivener could show an item when “Reveal in Binder” is clicked. It assumes the OP knows about the Reveal in Binder function in Scrivener and where to find it. But how wil Scrivener show the item?
The answer to this question is: Scrivener shows the item with the SelectedItemColor that is present in the User Interface control and can be set in the QSS-Stylesheet of a Theme. That’s how.
Every Theme, including the Default, has a value for that property, so that’s how the selected items in the Treeview is recognizable different from other, not selected items in the Binder.
But that’s obvious, so what is the OP really asking? Does he really know the place and workings of the Reveal in Binder function?
Ah, I could imagine that’s exactly how Sherlock goes about solving cases.
[quote=“Martyy, post:1, topic:143160”]
How could Scrivener show the item marked / selected when I click “Reveal in Binder” or press that shortcut?
This is asking how Scrivener could show an item when “Reveal in Binder” is clicked.
Actually I would not think so. I assume, it is asking how Scrivener could show the item marked / selected when “Reveal in Binder” is clicked or that shortcut is pressed.
But that’s obvious, so what is the OP really asking? Does he really know the place and workings of the Reveal in Binder function?
This seems to be the elemental questions. I guess, the OP is asking something like, why is the item not selected / marked after revealing (anymore) and how could one change this. I have to express myself cautiously, actually I doubt very intensively that the OP knows a f****** sh** of place and workings. The OP is a type of strange guy that does not seem to be interested in places and workings at all, one might imagine.
As ChatGPT. You’re sure to get an answer that complements the question.
In my Theme, it looks like this:
In de Dark Mode Theme:
In the Default Theme:
Granted: the Default theme removes the blue color when it loses focus.
Yes, indeed, or a nice picture with horses.
Many thanks for the screenshots, yes, It once looked like the one at the bottom / default one for me too. But now there is no blue color anymore which could be removed when the item loses the focus. So how do I get back the blue color? Or any color.
Build your own Theme and set the SelectedItemColor to Lightblue in the QSS Stylesheet (You can’t save the default Theme to file, but you can use the White theme as a base).
Actually it would be good just to go on using the old / default theme.
OK, alright, thank you very much!