How to compile all my scene synopses to a single document Mac OS

I want to create a single document with all my scene synopses. Then I can use this with Chat GTP to analyse Theme Development through the book, or a chosen Character’s development scene by scene through the whole book. I can’t find the legendary Synopsis Outline Compile preset. Ideally I’d like the output format to be:
Chapter Heading
Scene heading, Scene Synopsis
Scene heading, Scene Synopsis
Chapter Heading

Choose a basic compilation format (say ‘Modern’), then right click on it and duplicate it.

With the duplicate selected, choose ‘Assign Section Templates’ and then select the Section Type you use for your scenes. Click on that type and choose a dummy layout with a title – I’ll use ‘Heading’ here . Click on the little pencil and opt to edit the layout.

In the new dialogue, click on the ‘Section Layouts’ line, then on the ‘Heading’ line in the right panel. Tick ‘Title’ and ‘Synopsis’ and clear the other boxes. In the dummy text panel below, click on Title Options, and the ‘Insert title as run-in head’ box’

Now click on ‘Separators’ in the left panel, and then click on the ‘Heading’ layout. Change the ‘Separators before and after’ boxes to ‘Empty Line’, then click on Save.

The main compile dialogue should now look something like this:

Click Compile and you should have something like this:

Obviously, you can change the size and format of the headings and text to your wishes, but hopefully this post gives you the basic idea.

Does this help?


The post you quoted refers to an older version of Scrivener. In Scrivener 3, you could use the Enumerated Outline, Full Indented Outline, or Outline Document Compile Format. Or, as noted above, you could easily create your own.

I’m skeptical about ChatGPT’s ability to assist with this project, though. As the author, you are much more able to analyze your own work than it is.