How to convert a section into multiple sections based on page break

I have a single section in my project (a book) and I would like to convert it to multiple ones (chapters). Is there an easy way to do it or I have to copy and paste each chapter into a new section?



I’m going to assume you are importing from Word. In Word, you can do a search and replace all the page-breaks into say, a hash character (or something unique, e.g. a ## or something), then use Menu: File → import and split and specify that character as the separation character. I say Word as I know it can replace page-breaks like that. I presume other apps can do same, but don’t know.

See 9.1.6 of the Scrivener Manual for elaboration.

it is not an import, I’ve written the entire book in a single section…

Oh (as I sip more coffee). No need to copy/paste. Just put cursor where you want to spit the big document, and issue the Menu: Documents → Split command. See page 795 of the Scrivener manual for elaboration–probably discussed elsewhere in the document.

got it, although when I try to use the selected text as a name of the new section the application crashes…but I can rename it afterwards. Thanks!

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That’s odd. L&L Support people on vacation till next week, but they may be interested in support request on that if the issue is reproducible. Perhaps re-boot the computer and see if it happens again.

Also you use the File > Save and rebuild the Search Indices.
I would also take a bit of the text and see if paste into another project the same behavior happens or is the problem project specific?

ok, I’ll wait for the end of holidays of the L&L