How to find "additional" text in a PDF

If I convert a website to a PDF and then edit it, for example appending text and importing it into Scrivener, that text is not recognized in the search. Is this how it is supposed to be?

Does anyone have a tip on how to find such text anyway? Thanks.

One more question: Is it possible to edit an imported website?

It may depend on how the PDF editor adds the text, but I’m pretty sure annotation layers do not change the PDF’s underlying text-only copy which is what search engines will discover. You would need to actually edit the PDF itself in something capable of doing so, for that to be updated.

As for editing web pages, this older post has some tips.

Thank you, @AmberV that helps, as always :slightly_smiling_face:. Then I write some “keywords” of the “additional text” in the notes field. That way Scrivener can find it, that’s ok.

Something else. If I drag a Scapple doc into the binder, then I should be able to see it in the Scrivener editor, no? But I only see the background of the doc. Only when I open it with ⌃⌘+O (in Scapple) then everything is normal. Am I doing something wrong?

Yes, Document Notes would be a good place to jot down identifiers for the PDF.

If you have any new findings on this older Scapple bug it would be best to report them there.

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Quick Look preview] Struggling bringing a Scapple file into Scrivener