Thank you for very much for your help, but it seems that it is too difficult for me. I’m going to do as usual and replace my usual Latex markups. (…)
I can’t give up trying to figure out how it works. Let’s go!
This is the nice table of contents I get when I compile my Scriv. file using Multimarkdown to Latex:
But my references are not recognized. They still stay in their initial format: [@authoryear].
I’m very close to succeed. What could I do? What did I miss? Except your references, I did not find any step-by-step basic tutorial to do it.
Yes, I think you are super close!
Are you are using MMD and not pandoc then [@citekey] format will not be recognised, could this explain the issue?
If you want, you can create a small sample project from you actual project, and attach it here or PM me your fuller project or markdown output and I can have a look and see if I can compile what you have on my machine?
Almost close. Did you specify the path to your bib file as @nontroppo explained?
I’m currently working on.
- The path that I indicated was not the right one…
- My TexLive distribution was not up to date.
I resolve those two points and come back here with a nice document.
“Here we can see that the CSL engine has turned the temp citation to final text and created a bibliography for us. If you don’t see the same outputs then there is a problem with your install somewhere…”
When I launch the terminal and run it with --biblatex, this is what I get:
But, when I do the same with --citeproc, the result is quite different:
… I have to wait indefinitely that the terminal ends its process.
When I compile into Scrivener using the following arguments (–biblatex --bibliography=/Users/myname/Desktop/Essai/Lectures.bib --output="<$outputname>.tex" --to=latex <$inputfile> --toc --number-section), this is what I get:
Therefore, if there is a problem with my installation, where could it be?
Ok so this is great news at least that —biblatex
is working for you.
You could just accept that biblatex is good enough. But to fix —citeproc
my only advice is that there is a problem with the bibliography path ( is your user name really myname
!?) or the file itself. Can you open the Lectures.bib bibliography file ok in an app like JabRef, is it a valid bib structure?
Biblatex works… in the terminal, but not when I compile with Scrivener. And when I compile from MMD to Latex, my citations are not recognized. If even with the preformatted Scrivener templates, I can’t get a Latex document, I’ll should resolve myself to use Latex markups as usual. Thanks for your help.
What is your user name on your mac? I doubt it is /Users/myname
What version of pandoc do you have installed? And how did you install it? Why citeproc is hanging on the command line is a bit strange, if the path is wrong usually pandoc will give an error:
> pandoc --citeproc --bibliography="/Users/FAKE/.local/share/pandoc/Core.bib" --to=latex
# This is my heading
Some text [@adolphs1998]. Some more text.
File /Users/FAKE/.local/share/pandoc/Core.bib not found in resource path
Exception: pandoc exited with 99
[tty 4], line 1: pandoc --citeproc --bibliography="/Users/FAKE/.local/share/pandoc/Core.bib" --to=latex
So a broken path can’t explain the citeproc issue.
BUT from your two screenshots it shows BOTH terminal and Scrivener are working correctly, with [@Assoun1982]
being converted to \autocite{Assoun1982}
— this is what pandoc is supposed to do. If the path is wrong then it will be later when latex will fail to compile the latex to a PDF, but pandoc will be able to generate the bibtex compatible latex…
As with --biblatex
the final bibliography will be made when the latex is converted to a PDF, I normally use latexmk
command to do this. You cannot just run latex, as bibtex needs several passes which latexmk
does for you. I made a small Alfred workflow that run latexmk for you, you select the file in Finder, then trigger Alfred selection mode and can run the action, find it attached. It basically just runs this simple terminal command for you:
latexmk -time -f -logfilewarnings -interaction=nonstopmode -xelatex -pv "$filename" >> texbuild.log 2>&1
latexmk -c
TeX → (48.1 KB)strong text