Hi everybody, a little feedback would be much appreciated before investing in Scrivener.
I have a MacBook Air, iPad and iPhone.
I’m working on a “stream of consciousness” novel, 50 pages so far, but now need structure!
I just joined a writing course, and my teacher suggested with a little smile, that maybe I could just make 58 chapters (I am 58 years old). I’m fascinated by the idea of making a random structure.
Would that be easy to do?
Thank you
Welcome to the forum.
I don’t know what you mean by “random structure”, but Scrivener provides the “split” function to split your 50 pages into individual files. Then you can, using Scrivener’s tools and features to reorganise the project … randomly or with some thought. Your choice.
You can download and install Scrivener and use in trial mode for a relatively long time. L&L is quite generous about that.
If you want to start with something that imposes very little, then I would recommend creating a new project using the “Blank” template. There is no concept of even a ‘book’ in Scrivener, let alone a ‘chapter’, but we can make these concepts up using its features, and that is what some of the templates do (while others make up concepts like subsections in an essay—it’s a really freeform program, so in a sense, you’re in the right place).
Thank you for your feedback
Thank you for your feedback. I guess I should try the free trial then.
When I wrote random structure, I was meaning, making chapters by mathematic calculations, instead of taking a conscious choice. For example, every chapter should be more or less 300 words.
As far as I could see, when paying you’ll have to pay for two services, one for the MacBook and the other for iPad and iPhone?
Yes, as they are two different products. I recommend you start with the macOS version, buying direct from Literature & Latte. Get some familiarity and comfort.
Then if you decide to buy the macOS version (from L&L) first consider if you actually need the iOS version. It’s a terrific tool for writing/editing on the go, but its feature set is much smaller than the macOS version. L&L has done a great job pairing it down to work well on iOS. But don’t expect it to be the same. The iOS version is sold only by Apple, with no trial period, on their App Store and one purchase will work on your iOS devices that share an Apple ID.
Thank you so much for your recommendation.