Hyphenation won't turn off

I’m editing a file that originated in Mac Pages, and was exported from there to docx and then imported into Scrivener. I’ve done the same with three other (very similar) documents without problem.

But this file is using hyphenation (main editor mode).
Everything is left-justified, and “use hyphenation” is switched off.
(Hyphenation was off in the original Pages file too.)
And still I have words broken across line-ends.
The other three files aren’t doing this.

Other than ‘converting formatting to default text style’ (which changes way too many things – it’s a highly formatted document), does anyone know how I can switch off hyphenation in Scrivener?

(Note this is not for compile or export – just for editing mode.)

(Using version on a 2012 MacBook Air, OS 10.11.6)

Hi, just a thought: I wonder if the imported text has “soft hyphens” added in Word in the justification process and that they are acting even though you’re using ragged right. You could try searching to see if it finds any and then try replacing them with nothing.

The character in question can be found in the “Emoji and Symbols” window in “Punctuation” (look for the & and it’s the third to the right… where exactly it appears depends on the width of the window!). If you are acquainted with RegEx it’s UNicode U+00AD or UTF-8 C2 AD.

Just a thought.


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