I have not managed to locate the "Find duplicates" feature

Hi everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I have read about a new “find duplicates” feature, but haven’t yet been able to locate it. I am using Scrivener version ( and when I check for updates, the response is “Scrivener is up to date.” Am I a little too early and will have to wait till this feature becomes available? Cheers, Paul.

You can find any menu function that is available using: help/Search menus.

This being said, that function you are looking for doesn’t indeed seem to exist.

It seems that Find Duplicates is a Mac-only feature. There are still a few of those, as the underlying toolkits used by the Mac & Windows developers provide somewhat different capabilities.


I did a quick search on the forums for this topic.

@Scanno, have a look at this thread from last year. It explains that the feature is not available in Windows Scriv yet. Also, a poster offers a workaround, but you’d have to use a Regex search. I haven’t tried it, so I have no idea whether it would actually work for you.


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Good on you Vincent - thanks for the tip about searching for menu functions. That will come in handy as I am new to Scrivener. :+1:

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@JimRac Thanks for chasing down that information. Much appreciated. I will stand by an update to Windows Scriv in due course. :+1: