I think I need an alternative or help

Hey y’all just started to try and work with this app for my project. Honestly it is very much so making me angry to unreasonable levels. I am trying to figure out how to compile so that I have a cover page but no matter what I do no image will load in the compiler. Everything i’ve found online is too outdated and not helpful. And to be honest everything so far in this app has been very ambiguous and unintuitive. Is there a better more simpler option that isn’t something like word?

Are you able to have a cover photo while compiling to PDF? Not that it matters I couldn’t figure it out for the eBook either.


Check 23.4.5 Cover Options in the user manual for limitations. Covers are reserved for eBook production.
You can paste a picture in a Scrivener doc or use the <$img> placeholder to draw it into a page (for whatever reason to produce to a PDF, but you’d need a high-res photo or it looks like this:

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