Is it possible to allow clicking on a file in Outliner view to open up that text file in split view?

As shown in this screenshot, I use Scriver with three-way split view:


I always have the Outliner view locked in place, so clicking on anything in Binder iew won’t change it. But one thing that’s always bugged me is how clicking on anything in Outliner view won’t also highlight the same file in Binder view, and I’ve asked about this a few times over the years and was told that’s just how Scrivener is designed.

But when I click on anything in the Outliner view, it doesn’t open up the text in the middle pane, while clicking on anything in the Binder view does. This is a bit annoying as I use the Outliner view so much while writing my manuscripts, as I’m adding/changing the synopsis for each scene as I wrote inside the Outliner view.

Is there anyway to allow clicking on files in the Outliner view to open up that file in the middle pane, the same way clicking on a file in the Binder View will open it up in the middle pane? If not, can this be added as an option?

This is configurable. I’m not sure where it is on Windows, but on the Mac you want Navigate → Outliner Selection Affects.

You can also control this behavior on a per-item basis by right-clicking on the item you want and choosing the “Open” sub-menu.

In Scrivener version 1, right click for the context menu and select the Open in Left Editor option, or the shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+Return

In Scrivener version 3, the option can be turned on via Navigate->Outliner Selection Effects->Other Editor


Hope this helps.

Thanks so much for the help!

Or select the Two Column (Outliner) Layout in the Layout manager in the Window menu.