Keep image and caption together

I have an illustration style and a caption style, with “keep with next” set for illustrations (in format when editing) but when I compile for PDF it separates the image from the caption across a page break when at the bottom of a page. Is there a way to prevent that? Thanks…

Caveat - I’m not a Mac user, and also not at my computer to test, but since noone else has jumped in yet - My first impression is a widow/orphan control setting might help, or alternatively decrease the vertical size of your illustration enough to allow the text to appear beneath it.

The PDF engine within Scrivener is, I believe, pretty basic and intended for proofing rather than production. I know many users think of Scrivener as a one-stop app; that is fine if all you are dealing with is runs of text. For anything else, it’s best to look on it as it was originally conceived, as the app for creating text to be finally formatted in a more page-oriented app like a word processor.

So that’s what I’d do. Compile to RTF (or DOCX if you prefer) and open it in your word processor; that should respect your Keep with Next settings, and print to PDF from there. If it doesn’t for any reason, you should be able to correct it in the word processor before printing.



Keep with next is kind of a blunt instrument. If the block it creates is too big, either it will move the whole thing to the following page (leaving a giant gap), or it will be forced to break the block. The more complex your layout, the more likely it is that Scrivener’s PDF engine will encounter something it can’t handle properly.

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Thanks to you and others who responded. I must say that Scrivener, for me, does a more than passing good job at generating a PDF for publication on, say, Amazon. I’ve got 5 books up there that way, and they all look pretty good. But I appreciate all those who say, go to a real layout tool if you’re not happy, except, I am really happy and don’t mind moving the pictures around so they line up on pages OK, or settling for centered page numbers in the Front Matter. It’s an amazing tool in my estimation, but if I ever really want to wrap text around pictures and the like…

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