[LH3519] Adaptation to small screen

Hi !
I encounter a problem with the update windows : it is not responsive to the screen size. As a result, I’m unable to reach the download/install button. (Yes, I have a small laptop.)

For a beta, it is not too much a problem to come here and download the new version. But I hope this can be fixed for the release version ?

Is it possible to resize smaller in height the update window via the top/left/right corner/border and move the window further up, or the window is totally not resizable?

It is totally not resizable, sadly.

Usually, you can right click on the taskbar that is hiding what you want, and choose taskbar settings, then turn on “Automatically hide taskbar in desktop mode”. This will remove the taskbar until you move your mouse down near it. Then it’ll pop back up.

This is useful for screens with fewer than 1080 pixels perpendicularly, or people who decide they want to run their computers at 125% or 150% normal size, creating too few pixels for many programs. I understand that Mac handles those situations well, but Windows does not.

I tried, but even like that the update window is to big.

We have adjusted the update window size and also made the window resizable. This should improve your experience. I am afraid you will feel the benefits once you upgrade to the next version, i.e. when you install v2.9.0.17 and check for updates in v2.9.0.18.

If other Scrivener windows do not fit your 1080px high screens, please let us know guys.

Thanks !
If I run into other size trouble, I will tell you !