Linux 1.9.01 Beta Released

Lingering PNG error solution:

PNG errors - Manual install

cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

*** your directory may vary

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get install libtool autoconf build-essential pkg-config automake tcsh
tar -xvf libpng_1.2.54.orig.tar.xz
cd libpng-1.2.54
make -j8
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

BadPixMap errors
Next, you are probably going to get some perms errors.
To fix the perms error that displays itself as ā€œBadPixMapā€.

sudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 $pathto/$ScrivenerFolder/$ScriverFile


 sudo QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 /usr/share/scrivener/bin/Scrivener /home/my_user_name/Scrivener_Files/DragonDiary.scriv/DragonDiary.scrivx

That should be it. You should be up and running. If youā€™re not post some error messages and Iā€™ll help ya figure it out. ā€“ more information about the reason for the permissions errors.

Appeared to install without probsā€¦ however

will not start


webmost@ubuntulaptop:~$ ls -al /usr/share/scrivener/
ls: cannot access ā€˜/usr/share/scrivener/scrivener.shā€™: No such file or directory

webmost@ubuntulaptop:~$ /usr/share/scrivener/bin/
/usr/share/scrivener/bin/ 37: exec: /usr/share/scrivener/bin/Scrivener: not found

webmost@ubuntulaptop:~$ ls -al /usr/share/scrivener/bin/Scrivener
-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 18542548 Oct 20 2015 /usr/share/scrivener/bin/Scrivener

webmost@ubuntulaptop:~$ /usr/share/scrivener/bin/Scrivener
bash: /usr/share/scrivener/bin/Scrivener: No such file or directory

webmost@ubuntulaptop:~$ sudo /usr/share/scrivener/bin/Scrivener
[sudo] password for webmost:
sudo: unable to execute /usr/share/scrivener/bin/Scrivener: No such file or directory

any clues?

I got it running on Ubuntu 20.10 by going to the Ubuntu packages repo website, and downloading/installing these three packages:

You have to get these packages from the 16.04 repo:

I canā€™t get it to work on Linux Mint 20.

I downloaded the latest deb and I canā€™t get it to work for the life of me ā€“ I click on the application in my start menu and it does nothing. I tinkered around with installing some of the things listed in previous replies and I canā€™t seem to get it to work. Is anyone else using Mint?

Hi, I use Scrivener every day on Linux Mint 20, and have done so on every version of Mint going back the better part of a decade. Scrivener for Linux kicks ass, but dealing with old .debā€™s leads to much pain and sorrow due to ā€œdependency hellā€.

Good news for us Linux heads though: A while back, i upgraded to Mint 20.1, and of course set about reinstalling Scrivener. To my great joy, I found a wonderful human being over at WayOfLinux has created an ā€œappimageā€ file which makes it vastly easier get Scrivener working. (If not familiar, ā€œappimageā€ packages contain their own dependencies, so they can seamlessly run on any Linux distribution under the sun, provided appimages are supported, which with Mint and virtually all distros, has been true for years.)

  1. Go DuckDuckGo with the keywords ā€œscrivener appimageā€ and locate the WayOfLinux web page. Scroll half way down and download the appropriate version.
  2. Decompress the archive and place the ā€œ.appimageā€ file in a cozy home folder location for safekeeping. (Doesnā€™t matter where, but itā€™s less messy if you donā€™t move the appimage file after you run it.)
  3. Double click the appimage file. When asked something about integrating with the desktop, click okay, and it will set up a launcher menu shortcut.

Voila, bingo. Scrivener runs.

  1. Lastly, because i donā€™t work with XML files, I right clicked one of my ā€œ.scrivxā€ files and told it to always use scrivener, and now i just double click them to launch.
    4.1 (If you actually do other things with XML files on the regular, youā€™ll have to manually manage when to use Scrivener and when not to.)

The only quirk i notice is that after writing for 3 or 4 hours, the program gets sluggish, so i need to restart it. Iā€™m in the habit of just closing it before i stand up for a break. That saves all edits and lets my cloud backup do its sync business. Then with fresh coffee, i double click my .scrivx file and continue. User interface stays snappy, i just make the bug into a part of my rhythm.

I do wish Lit and Late would take my Linux money. Iā€™d click a donate link or add them to my patreon, but they donā€™t have either. But until then, the appimage file makes version 1.9 essentially eternal.

Good luck and happy Linux Scrivenering!
(If that isnā€™t a verb it should be.)

Youā€™re my hero ā€“ this worked like a charm. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Thanks for the Linux version!

I hope that one of these days, the native Linux version will return to being actively developed. In the meantime, Iā€™m happy with Scrivener. Now what Scrivener needs is a ā€˜motivate-your-fingers-to-createā€™ mode. :slight_smile:


Just to let folks know. I recently switched from Ubuntu (many versions, finally 20.4) where I could never figure out how to get Scrivener to work to Manjaro. I found Scrivener in the AUR repository. It probably an appimage, because when I asked it to build and install, a large number of dependencies were downloaded. It installed perfectly. However, when the icon was clicked nothing would happen, With I little searching, I found I simple needed to finish the installation by executing the following command in terminal:

sudo rm /opt/scrivener/lib/

Then it works great. I paid for the upgrade to 3 for Windows as a way to support L&Lā€™s continuing efforts for writers, but Iā€™m thrilled with using Scrivener 1.9.x.x on both Windows and Linux. This is fantastic. I hope it keeps working a long time.

EDIT: This is the 64 Bit version. Itā€™s running on an old Thinkpad X230.

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I also dream about nativ :frowning: after 2025 win 11 update force me to kick off windows from all my PC then i only use Linuxā€¦ Photodhop, Acustica, Scrivener and much more need nativ linux versuion coz i never back to windows i not like osX and i wont have choice, but when i see 1.9 version here and scrivener 3 now i know that project die on betaā€¦ Then nativ or nothing coz wine implementation is never good ideaā€¦ :frowning:

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If you have interest in a Scrivener AppImage, read the following linked thread till the end. Posts #5 and 6 have links to instruction and the 64 bit AppImage, respectively.

Hi I canā€™t get any of the download links for or to download. Are they no longer working for others? Are they available at another (safe) source?
Thank you.

I just tried the download links at the top of this thread and they seem to be working fine for me.

Thanks. I finally was able to download it on an android device, and then sent it to a pc. My other machines seemed not to like the links.

Hi. I saw someone mention this issue before, but no answer so here I go. This Linux version seems not to be able to import documents. Is that so? Is that a workaround? thanks

Yay! So glad this exists. Getting ready for a few new books with this software. I appreciate the native option.

Hi! So Iā€™m leaving windows behind and moving to linux now that I can game on a linux system. The bottle solution is a bit irritating; are there still people using this version around? Is it worth testing it out?

Yes, I still use this version. You could use Scrivener 3 in a virtual machine or with Wine. However, for me the performance of Scrivener 3 is noticeably inferior this way, even on high-end machines.

This version, the only native Linux version so far, works well and has all the essential features for writing. Unless you need to insert images or media (web pages, etc.) in more current formats, it works fine.

Please note that the .deb version no longer works on modern systems. You must download it in Appimage (a portable Linux format):

Give it execution permissions with the right click in Properties and run it.


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