I have tried searching in Scrivener under:
sync between ios and Android,
how to sync ios and android,
ios and windows
I can not find the answer. I do find this site difficult to navigate. I don’t know the correct terminology and therefore can’t find the answer to my questions. Vicious circle.
anyway, my question today is “Is there a video which shows how to sync between my iphone and my Windows laptop”, please?
I have bought and downloaded Scrivener 3 on the Windows laptop. I already owned the ios for my iphone and ipad. I already use Dropbox to syn between the two Apple devices. I have installed that same Dropbox onto my Windows laptop.
I think I may have got it working now, but it all looks ‘wrong’. I would like to see a video of how everything is done, stage by stage, and then how it should look when completed.
I have looked at all the videos tutorials but can’t see what I want. Also, as far as I have seen, the video tutorials only start after the point where everything is set up - which is useless when I am trying to set up.
I need something in very basic terminology as I have very little idea what I am doing and I don’t have very few people who can show me. i live in an isolated place and the only help I can get is by remote access, so I am loathe to do that too often.
i am trying extremely hard to sort this out, even to the extent of asking Ai for step by step help. I have contacted support, but am still struggling. So I was hoping there might be a video. Any suggestions, please?
If I want to write in one of these projects, I’ll tap its name to open it. I can then write and edit as needed.
When I’m done, I tap the arrow in the upper left corner to return to this screen so I can make sure the iOS app syncs my changes to Dropbox.
That circular arrows button along the upper edge of the interface will for the syncing if the app doesn’t do it for me.
There is not a video showing how to access your Scrivener projects on your computer, however.
What you’ll do on your Windows computer is install the Dropbox desktop client. That places a Dropbox folder in File Explorer.
You then access that Dropbox folder to open your Scrivener projects on your PC. I’m attaching a screenshot from my Win 11 computer that shows File Explorer where I’ve accessed my Dropbox/Apps/Scrivener folder.
If you notice, the project names in this folder match those shown in the “Dropbox” section on my iPhone screenshot above.
To access one of these projects on my computer, I’ll double click the .scriv folder to view its contents. Then, I double click on the .scrivx internal index file to open the project on my computer.
I’ll write and edit as needed and close the project when I’m done. I typically watch the Dropbox badge that’s on my taskbar to make sure all my changes on my computer have synced before I power it down or put it to sleep.