Music for writing

MyNoise also has an app for iOS! :smiley:

Jim (who is too distracted by melodies to listen to any kind of music while writing)

Ooh, this is just the kind of think I was looking for. Very smooth and flowing, reminds me a little bit of Bond and Loreena McKennitt’s “Book of Secrets” album.

Definitely earned a place on my list, thanks!

You are welcome

If you like Flamenco style that has a lot of “brightness” in it then you might like

Though it is 3 hours long the play list repeats 3 times.

Then you might try

Then a whole series of Spanish Guitar hits±+1

I like these as well

Very nice. Thanks.

My taste is music is varied. Sometimes it’s Chopin. Lately I have found Cajon music lifts me up and gets me in a mood to succeed no matter what comes. Great for getting past writers block. Gets the body dancing with the emotions and the mind.

Soppsleven’s Cajun Mix - 34 Upbeat Cajun Music Tracks:

I have eclectic tastes and even developed a liking/tolerance for (some) country music, but this would take a bit of getting used to. :slight_smile:

I also like I like the pentatonic scale of traditional Japanese music played with traditional instruments like Koto, Shamisen, and Bamboo Flute. .

This is a short piece featuring Shamishen “A Paper in the air”

Here is a long multi-track piece

Then there is traditional Chinese if you want a change of pace. Here are few samples.

Very nice, added to my bookmarks.

Well having found the cliche of a coffee shop benificial I then found There are so many soundscapes there and the real thing is to change ones environment as this is a stimulus for creativity. Each soundscape can be fixed or set to vary over time. I’ve found it useful for work and to aid sleep.

I’m a big fan of I also have their iOS app, which is pretty damn awesome too.

I’ve also mentioned them here: [url]Music for writing - #42 by JimRac]


I absolutely can not write with music that has lyrics. It’s worse if I know the song because I’ll sing along, but even if I’ve never heard it before, my brain automatically starts listening. I have to use instrumental. When I used to work a creative day job I often listened to Spanish guitar playlists because they were lively and kept me awake without distraction. Now that I have a NON creative job my creativity is saved for my writing. Lately I’ve really been enjoying music from Ambient Worlds. I especially love the Winterfell clip, but I’m fond of several of the Harry Potter clips as well.

I strongly recommend this album, especially if you like to write at night. Give it a try.

If you can handle more atmospheric arrangements with lyrics, something like Enya only mostly acapella, check out YouTube musician Jula Westlin’s acapella playlist of covers.

Unfortunately her videos include a lengthy amount of post-music chatter, so if her music works for you and you’re looking to get into the flow you’ll have to look for her music elsewhere, but this should be enough of a sampler for you.

Wow, she’s talented

Me personally, I love music. Maybe too much to have any playing whilst writing as my mind gets drawn towards it. Silence is my best partner when writing.

Me too!

But silence is too quiet for me. My middle ground is and the MyNoise app. :slight_smile:

Ooh, never seen that before, might have to have a play. :mrgreen:

Some great suggestions here. I love peaceful ambient music to write to, of any genre.

But is it just me that also likes to write to youtube coffee shop background noise? There are a few out there, and you get a favourite, it lasts for an hour - perfect for drifting away to and waking up an hour later a thousand words down the track!

This is favourite at the moment - - helps to have decent noise cancelling headphones, and you’re really there.

Believe it or not, some of my most productive ‘in the zone’ moments happened while writing in a crowded McDonalds. Somehow, within that smorgasbord of human white noise, it becomes easier for me to find focus.


Jesse Cook - Nuevo Flamenco/Rumba


Armenian Duduk music