New Computer: Transferring Scrivener

So I have my new Win 10 computer.

I have DL and installed Scrivener.

I went to my older computer end exported the preferences (Tools => Options => General => Manage => Save Preferences).

Now I come back to the new copy of Scrivener. I open it.

There is no way to import the preferences, at least not without opening a new project.

I don’t see a way to export a template. Unless we’re talking File => Save as Template? And what is saved when you do that?

How do I transfer all my name dictionaries and spelling dictionaries?

I hate reinstalling the world on a new computer!

What about all my compile formats?

Having this same problem!

If I am reading the issue correctly, you have your ‘prefs’ file saved in Version version 1.9.xx.x and wish to import your preferences into the Version

If so, simply select ‘File - Options’ from the menubar in version 2 or hit the F12 key, then select ‘Manage - load options’ from the bottom left of the the Options box.

This is not likely to work well between 1.9.x and 2.9.x, since so much has changed between the two versions.

Compile formats, in particular, are not going to transfer since the compile system has been completely revamped. Even the third-party spell check has changed between them.

OP, are you going between two computers with the same version of Scrivener? If you’re trying to go to the Scrivener 3 beta, you should ask in the Windows Beta forum.

There IS no File => Options on the new version of Scrivener. Apparently because I do not yet have a project to open on the new computer…

On the old computer, I have V

I do not know which version is on the new computer because there is nothing to look at without a project open.

I have attached what is visible when I open Scrivener on the new machine.

I did not want the Beta. I don’t do Betas.

The good news is that you have to go out of your way to download the beta, so if you just downloaded this on the new computer through the normal L&L links, you’re probably have

The easiest thing you can do to check is, on the new computer, either look at the installed version under Control Panel/Program and Features, or simply open a new blank project. (You can also open the Tutorial project.) Opening some sort of new project gets you into the main body of the program, which then allows you access to the UI elements to check your version number, load in saved option files, etc.

As mentioned by Devin, open the Scrivener Tutorial project on your new PC. Then load your preferences from the save file. (Tools => Options => General => Manage => Load Preferences)

Yes, that’s how you export a template. What’s saved is a ‘templatized’ version of the project. Sorry, I don’t remember what the template file extension is for v1.9. ETA: The file extension is .scrivtemplate. Your exported custom templates will be stored in C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Scrivener\Scrivener\ProjectTemplates

Sorry, I don’t know! There was a thread around here at some point, where this was discussed. If I find it, I will share the URL. ETA: It was discussed in this thread: [url]Any way to import custom dictionary words and substitutions from Scrivener 1?] The short version is that your custom word list is stored in wordlists.ini, in C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Scrivener\Scrivener\

There is definitely a way to do this. I’m currently not at my Scriv PC. Next time I am, I will share that info here. ETA: To save your custom compile formats, invoke the compiler, load your custom compile format, and choose Save Preset from the lower left corner. The file extension will be .ini. Your saved custom compile formats will be stored in C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Scrivener\Scrivener\CompileSettings

Yeah, you have my sympathy. The most important thing is to not trash your old PC/hard drive before your 100% positive you’ve transferred everything. Particularly, your Scrivener projects. A frequent mistake we see is people only copying the .scrivx file from the old PC. Be sure that for each of your projects you have copied the entire project folder, which will be MyProject.scriv. Open and check each project on the new PC before you say “I’m done.” :smiley: Also, it’s a fantastic idea to copy across your zipped backups as well.


Oh, I’m paranoid on the subject of back-ups. I spent something like 20 hours copying EVERYTHING I could think of to an external hard drive. I also do partial back-ups of my Dachs directory (longstanding joke here – I have had Dachshunds longer than I have had computers, so Dachs = Docs.)

I store all documents in other things, like the card files for my AzzCard file program in the Dachs directory. This gets backed up at least once at week. I do other back-ups as needed, and a full back-up before I take the computer anywhere.

I figure that just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that the universe (and Murphy) isn’t out to get you.

I seriously wish there was an easy way to do this. That “Options => Save” thing ought to save everything in one fell swoop and allow it to be transferred instead of this nit-picky piece-meal track it down stuff.

Since I’m moving from Win 7 Pro to whatever the latest version of Win 10 Pro is, I am having the devil’s own time finding where things like “Control Panel” is on Win 10. Microsoft and “Where do WE want you to go today?”

BTW, when I open the brand new copy of Scrivener, there IS no Tutorial. See the above screen shot. it has Blank, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Scriptwriting, and Miscellaneous.

More sympathizing from me. That said, once I got past the shock of it, I found I like Windows 10 just fine. For one thing, system search–magnifying glass on the taskbar–is seriously awesome. I don’t bother sifting through system menus anymore. Type “Control Panel” into search and it will take you there. Or “Bluetooth”. Or “Monitor Settings” (wrong name), which will take you correctly to Display Settings.

There are some weird things. You still have Control Panel, but you also have Settings. There is overlap between these, but they are also sometimes slightly different in functionality. For instance, Bluetooth in Settings works differently than Bluetooth in Control Panel. Search for and launch “Control Panel”, then “Settings”, and see what I mean.

Control Panel seems Win7ish and Settings seems Win10ish, but maybe someone wiser than me (like Devin) can explain why we have two of them. :smiley:

From the New Project window, select Options > Show “Getting Started”. Then click on the newly revealed Getting Started grouping, at the very top. You’ll find Interactive Tutorial there.

There’s a LOT of legacy code to port over from Win32 (the old MMC/Control Panel style of stuff) to the newer frameworks. Every new release of Windows 10, you’ll see more and more of the older settings stuff moving to the newer stuff.

But the easiest way to find it all is via search. You can also just tap the Windows key and start typing and it will help you find the right things. This is how I find legacy management tools like Disk Management these days.

Hate the standard Win 10 interface with a passion. (Slightly less than my overwhelming hatred of Win 8 )

I install Start10 app to give a nice customisable Win 7ish interface. It’s the best $US 5 I ever spent.

Ah, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! :smiley: Don’t click – type! Hee-hee-hee-hee. :laughing: Years ago when Microsoft went all GUI, we texty folk were told that it’s all about being visual, see it and click it, forget about all that typing. But now … we’re back to typing stuff in a search box. Do I feel vindicated? Surprisingly not. Do I look forward to having to upgrade to Win10 sometime soon? No. No, I do not. But no choice, really; and truth to tell, I look forward to better security and speed.

I appreciate all the info here from Marilyn, Jim, Devin, and Astaff. It’s good to know what I have to look forward to, and especially to know (Devin is not the only one I’ve read saying this) that what I see at first is not what I will keep seeing, as MS progressively shovels out the old and dribbles in the new.

Next time someone gripes about how long the Scrivener beta is taking, should we say, “And how do you like the way Windows 10 keeps shifting around on you”?

To be fair to Microsoft, the shift back to making text interfaces and GUI interfaces on equal footing – and with the GUI built on top of the text interface – was back in 2002, with Exchange Server 2007 being the flagship product to drive this concept forward. Trying to automate large-scale Windows deployments using the patchwork of CLI tools and (often vastly underpowered) VBscript interfaces was a nightmare. Too often, you’d have to get real developers to write C++ code instead of letting script-capable admins write their own automation. PowerShell (formerly called Monad) was the way out of that – an object oriented langauge that was a first-class member of the .NET family. You finally had a single code pathway written to perform task X that was used by both the CLI users and the GUI users. It’s a concept that has made the growth and flexibility of Office 365 and the modern Microsoft open source initiatives possible.

I always laugh a little (and die a little inside) when one of my IT colleagues angrily grumbles at me that Microsoft keeps changing things around, why can’t they just keep it the same – usually right after telling me how horribly insecure they are, and how horribly proprietary they are. Well, the old Win32 code base is guilty of both being insecure and baking in a ton of proprietary technologies like COM. Fixing all of that basically requires a complete teardown and replacement, as much of the attitudes and worldview that drove that architecture just don’t resonate in the modern world. The .NET/CLR/managed code world is a lot more open, secure, and interoperable from the ground up (not that it doesn’t have its problems) and most of the system-shaking bugs present in Windows are still from the legacy code that Microsoft is steadily working to get rid of.

Many thanks, Devin. I understood approximately 42.37% of that (which I feel good about). From a strictly user POV, I have gotten surprisingly comfortable zooming a cursor around the screen and clicking on stuff (or rather tapping my darling Cirque touchpad, which may also be consigned to the digital dust-heap with Win10). The thought of going to a search box to find a Control Panel function raises the following paranoid scenario: Let’s see, what is that called exactly? Type, search. Type, search. Type, search. Shoot, I’ll have to open the Control Panel and look for it. Type “Control Panel.” Search, search, search. Swear. Open Settings. Let’s see, what is that called exactly?..

The thing is–and I know you won’t fully believe this in your heart until you experience it yourself–Windows 10 system search is extremely adept at guessing what I want to find, to the point where I never use the Win10 system menus any more. For example, as I posted upthread, enter Or “Monitor Settings” (wrong name) and Win10 correctly shows you Display Settings. It very nearly ‘just works’. :smiley:


I’ve taken to setting my Control Panel view to small icons instead of categories precisely so I can keep an eye on what is still there and easily find it without having to work too hard to remember it.

Thanks, folks. I take courage and move on.