NiaD 8: Live and Let NiaD

The cup icon update is it 8 or are we missing 8 and going straight to 9

I think Auld Lang Syne is the one for 2018 - just a bit late.

It depends on which timeline you’re on.

Okay, I’ve had a nice snooze and a spot of breakfast. Glad you all seem to have enjoyed the experience! To answer a few questions that have cropped up “overnight”…

The forum badges are now live (they actually went live at about 11pm yesterday)! This year’s NiaD is the 2018 NiaD, just slightly delayed, so if you are one of the TWO people to have taken part in every single NiaD, your badge code would be…


Just two

Yes, sharing the books is both acceptable and encouraged! The full copyright info is here. Essentially, you’re not allowed to sell the book or borrow/steal the plot for other things, but you can give away copies of what we’ve produced for free as long as you keep all the copyright notices etc in the book.

You can even remix them using the Scrivener project file if you like, to create a version with your preferred chapter blend. Alternative covers (one with a grey ‘sticker’ and one with no sticker) are included in the Scrivener project file if you’re so inclined!

Yes, for anyone who is interested, the Scrivener project file (available on the book’s library page) contains all the chapter briefs that everyone received, and some Scapple maps used to plan the book out. The compile setting used are also available for download on the same page.

Big thanks to everyone who took part. We had three people not submit in the end which caused the slightly late posting of the completed books (although all 9 versions were actually finished and on my desktop by 23:57, it just took a bit of time to upload them and write the pages with the right links!), but HUGE THANKS to Keith, Ioa and the whole team at LL for generously hosting the event for the past 8 years, and for making Scrivener and Scapple, without which attempting this kind of event would be inconceivable!

ROG you made me question whether I was one of those two so I went to library and checked that I was involved in every book. Would not want a icon if not earned. I can say proudly I am.

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Whoop whoop!! New cup in my tag!


Remember to blame Grrrrrr for this.

Too soon?

Thanks so much for the chance to participate, Mr. Piggy! Gonna be fun to go back to work on Tuesday and answer “What did you do this weekend?” with “I wrote a novel!”



I sincerely want to thank Mr. Pigfender for his stellar work, and for letting me take part (AGAIN!) in the best kept secret that is NiaD.

I found NaNoWriMo early on and watched it explode into a global phenomenon… so I’m confused:
On the one hand I’m inordinately happy that NiaD hasn’t gone the same way, and is still the small, intimate and friendly event that it is.
On the other hand I’m kinda gobsmacked that NiaD hasn’t gone viral, become a meme and the latest thing for the glitterati to do.
Thank heavens for small mercies!

NiaD is one of the highlights of the year. Long may it remain so! W00T! :smiley:

So much fun. Thank you, pigfender, for another great year and I look forward to the next one. It’s a pleasure working with everyone on this corroboration! Another great book to add to the list!

Until next time!

Yea!!! Thank you LL Team!!!
And thank you fellow NiaDers. :smiley: What a great thing we managed. Yea!!! :smiley:
wanders off to add cup to siggy
considers creating an actual vinyl decal for real life cup
decides it must be done and does it

Dear Friends,

I have prepared a web version of Auld Lang Syne, replete with all chapter versions. The site enables you to easily browse, compare, and choose between versions on a chapter-by-chapter basis – so you can put together your own bespoke edition of this book.

There are there similar choose-your-own-version of the earlier niad novels (for the years that had multiple editions).


Thanks, gr! :slight_smile:

Wow!! Gr, that’s cool! thank you. :smiley:

Thanks again, Pig!!

I feel so special with my nice shiny new forum badge :smiley:

It was a real treat to be able to participate in this with everyone. I had an absolute blast and want to ensure Pig knows how wonderful this is so we can continue for years to come! Everyone raise your new NiaD cups for a cheer! “To next year’s NiaD!”

Glass raised; “To many more years of NiaD!”

It is a blast to do, it’s good for my writing, and should continue… especially if we can find ways to share the burden of overworked Pigfender.

Maybe we could offer to fend off (or defend??) some of those pigs for him. :wink:

Yes cups raised to the next one we appreciate all that you do Rog to make this a fun event thank you