NiaD 8: Live and Let NiaD

Is anyone else really excited to read this thing? From my brief and the snippets of conversation we’ve had going on for the past 19 hours, it sounds as if it’s going to be a fun one to read.

Submitted…and now I’m gonna cross my fingers and go huddle in the recliner…


To all you lot who’ve finished before the deadline: how? Don’t you have to sleep, or eat, or walk the cat? :unamused:

Just sent it Rog going to eat now :smiley:

Any preference for file title format?

ETA: Never mind. I’ve titled it and I’m winging it on its way to you.

Done, and sent. A lot of fun, though I may have wandered somewhat outside my brief. Apologies in advance to anyone on whose toes I may have inadvertently trampled.

Sent mine in.

But of course now I’m questioning the whole thing.

Especially the weather since it was mentioned so much. LOL. I blew that.

Omg! That was such a blast… an insane and unbelievable blast, but a blast nonetheless.

I must admit I’m a little proud of myself for the accomplishment of writing the ~4k words I did. It’d been a long time since I’ve written anything (fiction) and I’ve been trying to get back into the swing of it. This was the perfect exercise. That and there’s also the super cool aspect of getting to produce something with other people who are all contributing in the same but uniquely personalized way.

Suffice to say, I’d love to do this a second time next year.

Same! I barely mentioned the weather or the location, and I’m pretty sure I’m guilty of toe stepping, even though I tried to be careful.

This was a hard one for me, but I had fun with it in the end. Now, I just have to wait and see if I get one of those coveted rejection letters. :laughing:

Pigfender! When’s the next one?
I think I’m supposed to blame Gr, right? Or is it Jaysen?
I’m actually excited to read this. Possibly even both versions. And looking forward to the variations of style and voice and quirks of each writer’s chapter.
So cool, Pigfender. A brilliant idea.
thank you for all of it.

It’s a pretty strange feeling to have part-written a novel and then have to wait to find out what the heck I was writing about!

Hahaha I must have gotten a chap that required a lot of back-info because I got a feel for the whole arc of the book. But I have no idea how it’ll end. It could go a couple of ways. And I’m anxious to see what was written! :smiley:

I think mine is pretty near the end, though I could be wrong and it’s just the twist in the middle.

I’m really hoping there will be a NiaD9 because this was awesome!

So we are all ready for second part tomorrow :wink:

Which is the second part?
nibbles nails

If it’s the reading part, yes, yes, I am. :slight_smile:

I hope it’s that! :smiley: I’m ready too.

My question exactly! Though, I only scarfed down a few fries last night, and only ate today after I finished re-reading and re-editing until 4:20pm EST. I did get a good 6 hours of sleep though. I’ll never miss sleep.

Submitted 5 minutes before the hard deadline. Never finished this late before.

Feel my apology was insufficient. So… Sorry again, Rog. :confused:

Look forward to the book though!

It’s winging it’s way to you, Rog.

In in time, I hope, and not too many excess commas.

Much fun. Thanks! :smiley: