NiaD 8: Live and Let NiaD

Whoop whoop!! New cup in my tag!


Remember to blame Grrrrrr for this.

Too soon?

Thanks so much for the chance to participate, Mr. Piggy! Gonna be fun to go back to work on Tuesday and answer “What did you do this weekend?” with “I wrote a novel!”



I sincerely want to thank Mr. Pigfender for his stellar work, and for letting me take part (AGAIN!) in the best kept secret that is NiaD.

I found NaNoWriMo early on and watched it explode into a global phenomenon… so I’m confused:
On the one hand I’m inordinately happy that NiaD hasn’t gone the same way, and is still the small, intimate and friendly event that it is.
On the other hand I’m kinda gobsmacked that NiaD hasn’t gone viral, become a meme and the latest thing for the glitterati to do.
Thank heavens for small mercies!

NiaD is one of the highlights of the year. Long may it remain so! W00T! :smiley:

So much fun. Thank you, pigfender, for another great year and I look forward to the next one. It’s a pleasure working with everyone on this corroboration! Another great book to add to the list!

Until next time!

Yea!!! Thank you LL Team!!!
And thank you fellow NiaDers. :smiley: What a great thing we managed. Yea!!! :smiley:
wanders off to add cup to siggy
considers creating an actual vinyl decal for real life cup
decides it must be done and does it

Dear Friends,

I have prepared a web version of Auld Lang Syne, replete with all chapter versions. The site enables you to easily browse, compare, and choose between versions on a chapter-by-chapter basis – so you can put together your own bespoke edition of this book.

There are there similar choose-your-own-version of the earlier niad novels (for the years that had multiple editions).


Thanks, gr! :slight_smile:

Wow!! Gr, that’s cool! thank you. :smiley:

Thanks again, Pig!!

I feel so special with my nice shiny new forum badge :smiley:

It was a real treat to be able to participate in this with everyone. I had an absolute blast and want to ensure Pig knows how wonderful this is so we can continue for years to come! Everyone raise your new NiaD cups for a cheer! “To next year’s NiaD!”

Glass raised; “To many more years of NiaD!”

It is a blast to do, it’s good for my writing, and should continue… especially if we can find ways to share the burden of overworked Pigfender.

Maybe we could offer to fend off (or defend??) some of those pigs for him. :wink:

Yes cups raised to the next one we appreciate all that you do Rog to make this a fun event thank you

Crap… I forgot…

WHEN IS THE NEXT NIAD!!??!?!?!?!?!?

Remember to blame Grrrrrrr for this.

By my calculations, there are 98,304 ways to read Auld Lang Syne.

So, when people give you that shocked look after you tell them you “wrote a novel yesterday”, before they can recover say, “Well actually it was closer to a hundred thousand novels.”


per my calendar it is time for the daily…

WHEN IS THE NEXT NIAD!!??!?!?!?!?!?

Remember to blame Grrrrrrr for this.

LOL Brilliant. :smiley:

Unfortunately, one person who is super keen isn’t as persuasive as a lot of people who are just about keen enough.

Okay, let’s see…
#1 the regular way
#2 while squinting
#3 in a hat
#4 out loud
#5 in an Australian accent
#6 on the tube
#7 using your finger to track the words on the page

That’s it. I’m out of ideas now.

AAaaaaaaaaHAAAAAaaaaHHHHhhH! I see what you mean now! :wink:

Although today I might try
#8 the regular way while squinting in a hat out loud in an Australian accent on the tube using your finger to track the words on the page

Yes, I see that I have grossly underestimated the number of ways.

To amend: According to my precise calculations there are an (uncountably) infinite number of ways to read Auld Lang Syne.

Today is Chinese New Year, the first day of the year of the pig. Surely that’s inspiration enough for the next time around. Pig! Pig! Pig!

Any day seems a good day to ask when is the next one we will need a 2019 icon so maybe later in year :slight_smile: