No images in Scrivenings mode? Seems a bit archaic.

Scrivener recommends placing all images in the research folder and then invoking them with a code in the text in Scriv mode.

It works, and it makes sense to a degree. For instance, I have a small graphic at the head of every chapter, and this allows me to have the image stored in the file one time, then displayed multiple times, which keeps the file size down by reducing redundant instances.

That’s all well and good. I assume the compiler sees the code and says to itself ‘Oh, the author would like this image placed here. Let me just go find that in the research folder and place a copy in the compiled text.’

Well done, Scrivener.

But why can’t the Editor also be that smart in Scrivenings mode? Why can’t it say ‘Oh, the author would like this image placed here. Let me just go find that in the research folder and place a copy directly in the Editor just below the code. That way the code can be changed if necessary, but the author can see how it will appear, generally speaking’.

The single advantage iBooks Author has over Scrivener? It is completely WYSIWYG. Not to mention that it has a one-button instant preview function.

Not being able to see the actual image in Scriv mode feels like something from the previous century. Sometimes it takes 5 edits to get the image size correct, which means 5 compiles (2 … 3 … 4), each followed by opening the compiled doc in an epub/mobi reader, and scrolling to where the image is, 5 times. That’s 10 minutes in which I could be, should be, writing.

Well, the whole idea behind Scrivener is that it is NOT wysiwyg, so criticizing Scrivener for this simply means that you are using the wrong tool. If wysiwyg is important for you, you should be using a wysiwyg desktop publishing software.

Use Scrivener for what it is designed for, that is writing, and use another software for the final layout.

You can do what you want, I believe. Use the menu Insert->Image Linked to Document*, and it should put a view of your image in the document where your cursor was, but behind the scenes, it’s just a link to that image from your Research (or wherever) folder.

Since I don’t work much with this feature, I can’t really give you any further help, but with that menu item’s name in mind, a search of the manual should explain its utility in detail.

[size=85]* Or maybe it’s one of the other options right next to that one? Not sure.[/size]

Oh thanks so much for telling me, what I, should do. I don’t need the attitude, and neither does anyone else here. I’ll thank you to NEVER respond to any of my posts ever again.

What arrogance. What ego. How would you even imagine that non-WSYWIG was a goal of L&L? “Oh, let’s build a platform but let’s be sure not to make it too intuitive”. You pulled that from where the sun don’t shine, and you have no earthly idea, other than whatever is in your imagination.

I paid the freight, so I’ll use the software any way I see fit. Your opinions are very not welcome. About the best thing I could say is that your user name was well-chosen. Butt out.

Um, Jack?

Lunk got that idea because L&L have stated it themselves multiple times:

Katherine on the support team, just this past Tuesday:

KB (the designer and developer), four years ago:

And three years before that in 2012.

Even as far back as 2008 KB was warning people Scrivener would likely never be the WYSIWYG editor they wanted.

Maybe, perhaps, you might have over-reacted? Lunk is actually a very helpful soul and he is trying to help you understand the philosophy behind the design of Scrivener so that you can get the most out of it.

Scrivener 3 Manual, Part 1, Chapter 1, “Philosophy.” Third paragraph.

Please also remember that there is exactly one forum rule: Be polite.
