Novel-in-a-Day 2: The Revenge

NAP TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME! then to the other writing i need to get done.

BethCutter, you have to highlight all text to be included. usually this is set before you begin any text entry. hope this helps.

It occurs to me that mine may be a bit light in Sci-fi department - sorry fact fans - hope I don’t let the side down - been great having a go at something I wouldn’t normally try though!


It’s kind of hidden in the settings. There’s the drop-down for line spacing. You have to select that and then choose “Other”. Then you’ll have the option to set paragraph spacing separately from line spacing.

BethCutter - it occurred to me you may be talking about double spacing vs single or 1.5 spacing between lines. if that’s correct, then using the same menu flow as before, make the change in the third box down. i had thought for some reason you were talking about spacing between paragraphs as i was in my original post. ttfn.

Montree, no, you had it right, I wanted a blank line between paragraphs.

And between your help and Robert, I now have them! Yippee!

But what a sneaky way to hide that control.

My part is in. Apologies in advance for the simple-minded theological argument at the beginning. I just noticed that there were a liberal sprinkling of atheists and Catholics in the cast and my brain forced me to write something about that before it would let me write anything else. If I’d had more time to devote to NIADD, I would have edited that nonsense out entirely.

hangs head in shame

I’m looking forward to reading what everyone else wrote!

Pigfender: I highlighted two things in my passage that may need correcting. The use of “Science Officer”, which I wanted to use as a rank, like Commander, but was uncertain if they’re equivalent. The other was the figure 60,000 km, which I pulled off the wikipedia page on Lagrange Points. It may be the wrong figure entirely. Sorry for not verifying the number, but I’ve got to dash now.

We are still FOUR chapters missing.

Just so you know at midnight I’m going to have to quit on this for the day, whether I’ve had time to upload things or not.

Finally turned my chapter in. Had to exile my cat from my room to finish it since she was the cause of all my allergies last night. I hope I did right by the characters and hope that my part doesn’t suck too much. At least I’ve stopped sneezing and dripping all over the place, sigh.

sorry for being so late,

As long as the atheists won. :slight_smile:

In. Just. But gory. Very.

Looking forward to reading it, if a chapter is short, not turned in, happy to whip something up tomorrow am early? or is that breaking the rules


Well, a big thanks to everyone who took part this year.

Here are the files for you to download.
and of course
(in that last one, you can see what everyone else’s briefs were, if you are so inclined.

Keith, might be worth transfering these to a more stable server at some point.
Happy reading. Do please let me know what you think of the book, and of what you thought of the event. I’m sure the feedback will be useful for whatever sucker does it next year!

wow! we wrapped up a lot closer to time this year than last. glad the last few got in in a timely manner. had fun this year as i did last year. pigfender hats off to you and thanks for putting it together again this year.

Yes, thanks pigfender!

Just got home from the cafe where the only version we could open on my iPad was the PDF, and my wife immediately commandeered it to read my chapter. “Like a paperback” was her review, I’ll take that as a compliment. :slight_smile:

Now I’m home I’m looking forward to reading the rest: I want to know what lead to my chapter and what happened after.

Many many thanks to Rog for creating, coordinating and compiling this. A lot of fun. :slight_smile:

Hmm, was just having a quick flick through (as one does) and noticed that chapters 15 & 16 are identical (but attributed to different authors). Compile error? Missing chapter? Accident? Amazing, Dirk Gently-ish, coincidence?

UPDATE: only seems to be the PDF version. Finally got the epub onto my iPad and the two chapters are definitely different. I guess that rules out Dirk Gently…


Everyone else was fine. Me? I made a continuity error. DAMN. Where’s that airlock? I’m outta here.

But seriously – thanks to the great and omniscient Pigfender without who God knows WHAT we’d have written. The worrying thing – a bit worrying unless you’re running an MFA course in creative writing – is that it all seems to work as a book. I enjoyed it. Doing it, and reading it.

Apart from the continuity error some shmuck snuck in, of course.

Pleasant way to round off the day. Can’t wait until next year.

Just finished reading Lunar520 and had a rollicking good time. I’m glad I had the chance to contribute, though I was woefully late (I’m sorry, Pigfender). A tip of the hat and a round of applause for the tireless Pigfender who made this all possible, and to everyone else who wrote such wonderful chapters. I had a great time :slight_smile:


I’m not sure which is more daunting: discovering I immediately followed Mr Bywater’s opening in the last NIAD, or discovering that Mr Bywater came straight after me this time around.

It’s the NIAD equivalent of being handed a guitar while the Beatles took a 5 minute breather mid-concert. Perhaps pigfender was punishing me in advance for my joke about the creativity of the selection committee?

Either way, congratulations PigFender on a job well done for another year. Great fun to participate, and I look forward to reading it in full.

Detectives, then space… What genre do we have planned for next year?

Surely you’re not looking to pass on the baton? It looked like you had us running like a well-oiled machine this year!
