Novel-in-a-Day 2: The Revenge

Or… you could ring my Mum and she could make you up a ‘real’ copy like she did for me and most of my extended family…

Well then in that case, count me back in for another round this year. :smiley:

I’m in for the 20th.

Who knows, indeed! But I’m still in with trepidation as I’m not that fictionally well-read, either, so just as long as you are prepared for something which may be way out on the genre/style front!


Have you read the first NIAD? ;D

Yes, I have, but it seems NIAD2 is a totally new thing, and therefore NIAD1 is not going necessarily to be a guide. And of course, even taking it as a guide, which chapter, which author should one follow?



Oh, that’s the beauty of writing fiction; you should never follow anyone’s style! You should develop your own and the only way to do that is to write! :smiley:

No, I meant, if you read NIAD1 you’ll see that everyone has a vastly different style and no-one’s trying to write alike. That’s the whole crux of the attempt.


Mr. X,

Unlike the rest, I will put a significant restriction on you: you must write it in ENGLISH!

You polyglots… BAH!

BTW, that is a word that you don’t get to use every day. And if you do, someone will mistake it for some newfangled swearing and call the police on you. At this point you should be asking yourself “does he type from experience or is he just being himself again?”

VICTORIA WROTE: you’ll see that everyone has a vastly different style and no-one’s trying to write alike. That’s the whole crux of the attempt.

That was something I mulled over quite a bit for the first one. Not so much from a ‘narrator’ voice, but more how much should be established beforehand for the characters’ voices. I was considering providing 2 or 3 paragraphs of speech for each character to give tone. I the end I thought that while that might have made for a more consistent novel, it would be at the expense of participant freedom.

We’re supposed to be painting a picture together, not completing a jigsaw.

JAYSENWHOHASNOTVOLUNTEERED WROTE: I will put a significant restriction on you: you must write it in ENGLISH!

I am happy for this restriction to apply to everyone.

Maybe it’s just me, but I only check the announcements forum once a month or so. (Bad me.)

Anyway, maybe you could put a link to this topic into some of the other more heavily trafficked forums? There might be others who would be interested in playing if only they knew about it,

pigfender-saurus growled:
JAYSENWHOHASNOTVOLUNTEERED WROTE: I will put a significant restriction on you: you must write it in ENGLISH!

I am happy for this restriction to apply to everyone.

Young bird race season has started. I have no Saturdays available to play with the res of the scrinverati as I must attend to the needs of the returning feathered steeds of the air. Then breeding starts followed by old bird race season. I have three minutes in June. Maybe we can reschedule this whole event for then?

Seriously though. Pigeon racing starts this weekend and runs till Nov. I would consider it if I wasn’t already committed to the race club.

JAYSENWHATHASAGOODEXCUSE WROTE: I must attend to the needs of the returning feathered steeds of the air.

My life is richer for having read this sentence.

Just a bit of perspective: I’m sending a bunch of bird 150mi away. They will be home in about 3 hours. Water, carbs, vitamins, health checks (hawks are hard on the birds), and rewards will keep them going for the 200, 250, and 300 mile races. Starting in March of 2013 these same birds will race 200-600 miles. The will do the 600mi race before they are 15 months old.

They really are more than flying fertilizer generators. I swear. Really, I do.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled postings…

They use them in Victoria train station in London. Anytime someone drops a bit of food a few swoop in and clean it up.

Man and animals working in harmony. It’s very “Disney”.

Okay, back to the event…

I’ll be mostly assigning chapters at random. I say ‘mostly’ because, like last year, there will be one or two scenes that have the potential to be a bit grisly if the author is so inclined. If anyone prefers to opt out of those (or in), then let me know either here, via PM or on email (

Note that I won’t be telling you where your chapter comes in the wider story, so you won’t know if you have the first or last chapter.

Sounds like a great idea.
I’m in!

Damn … rumbled!

I think (a) maybe that’s why people think my lectures are fiction … 'cos they’re full of words like that; (b) since I’m convinced that I am tracked by the CIA, MI6, Interpol anyway, what difference would one more police force being called make? :smiley:

I would suspect it’s a product of receiving an “education” … dangerous things!

Jaysen, since you have been being educated, I expect you to be in … I mean, there you have been, doing at least one writing course at some point, though I can’t find the references in the forum …



Actually, I was referring, rather than individual style, to such genres that people refer to as “steam-punk”, “fan-fiction” … even “Young adult” … I have no idea what they would mean in terms of writing and language. I don’t think I’ve read anything … well I guess its possible I might have read something in that last category without knowing it, but I don’t think so.

Oh and since our redoubtable Pigfender mentions it, I’d rather not be given grisly or sex scenes … I would just do them so badly!


While I was writing my last, you wrote this … I suppose you’ll have to be forgiven for not joining in!