Novel-in-a-Day 5: Go Set A NiaD

Well, however you like your ripeness, it’s all good. Just be sure to supply the gas mask as per your number 9. :wink:

I’ll supply the earplugs for my number 8. Yo, ho ho, you useless sailors … start cher blushin’… .

… which is 2AM for we 'uns (as opposed to wee 'uns) here. Or, is that 2PM? Ugh!

Thanks Pigmeister. My heart skipped a beat, fell to the floor, and now I have to wash, dry, fluff and fold then put it back from whence it came. Can we refrain from that sort of teasing? :unamused:

It’s a very healthy 2PM if you’re in the Dallas / Fort-Worth area.
How 'bout dem Cowboys!

I’ve added links to the various times in your local timezone to the first post in this thread.

Sorry. :smiley:

NO you’re not. you do it EVERY YEAR. By your OWN admission.

Love this idea - I’m looking at my calendar - But one thing - Is there some sample of Chapter Information sheets from previous years posted in the forums? Love to get an idea of what kind of information you start it off with …

Count me in - been waiting for awhile for registration and almost missed it with the move from Florida to Austin.

Is that 2:00 PM, or do we have up until just before 2:01PM? When does 2:00PM really start anyway? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just so excited that we are getting closer to kickoff!


Hi there, Brian. Thanks for the kind words!

Yes, not only can you check out the briefing packs from previous years, you can actually download the entire Scrivener project to see how everything was pulled together. Each of the previous year’s books has it’s own “download” page in this forum (check out the library for them all) where you can get free copies of the books and the projects used to create them.

I’d advise starting with Section7, last year’s effort. You’ll see just how little information you’re given (and therefore just how much freedom and flexibility each of the participants have to come up with their own take on their chapter. I wouldn’t normally draw attention to a specific individual’s chapter*, but take a look at Matt Tobin’s chapter from Section7 (Chapter 11 from Book Red) for a good example of “filling out” a brief.

* - I’m allowed to single out Matt, because he can be trouble :smiley:

There’s also some good info in the FAQs, which – while admittedly long – are well worth a read.

Hey, moody! Check your forum messages for the next steps!

Everyone is strongly encouraged to submit their chapter early, because then I’ll actually read it instead of just pasting it into the final book!
The Official Pigfender Ruling on Time is that deadlines are “to be submitted before” times, so the official view would be that 14:00 and 0 seconds is too late*. 13:59 and 59.9999999 seconds is good*.

  • local time for Fort Worth, Texas. Other jurisdictions / time zones have different deadlines.
    But, you know, see that FAQ (or the forum threads for previous years) for just how relaxed I am.

Yay! It’s gonna be great!

Glad you’re here for another year Mr. Pigfender, even if it’s against your better judgement. :wink:

Mustn’t he have “better” judgement for something to be against it? It’s Mr Piggy we are talking about here…

A bit Socratic, that, init?. A tricky one, that’s f’sure. Wot d’ we win if we answer it correctly? :confused:

I would suggest “pride”… but then… mustn’t one understand pride to “win” it?

This is turning into a trend.

Hardly, given the thread! :open_mouth: Y’ve only answered one question! More of a 'trendette’

Iffy–iffy! :open_mouth: Pride cometh before t’fall, dunnit? :confused:

I’m sorry… I lost my train of thought looking at the marvelous witticisms in my previous posts…

What were you saying?



No, wait… I’ve re-read it. Fair enough.

Mr Piggy,

I’m still waiting for my advance copy of my brief.


Oh, Jaysen, if you are without your briefs right now, we so don’t want to hear about it. :open_mouth: