Novel-in-a-Day 5: Go Set A NiaD

I live “the west” but I sure don’t know anything about 1867 Arizona territory. Just going with good old human interactions and emotions. I don’t think they’ve changed much in 150 years…
Got 1500+ words down. This is great fun. Nighty night.

I’m American. But live in Connecticut. At least I’ve read almost every book Elmer Kelton and Louis L’Amour have ever written and wrote a western for NaNoWriMo a couple years ago…

Now just working up to writing this chapter.

I found the PERFECT playlist to write this to.

Well… almost had to bow out, but at the last minute my gray matter capitulated. 1300 into the first half of the chapter. Calling it a night.

Calling it a night (nearly 1am here). Getting too old for this late night nonsense. :stuck_out_tongue:

See ya’ll in the (my) morning!

Sounds like a plan!

The email questions have dried up now… Looks like everyone’s either gone to bed or not got up yet so I’m going to go grab a quick couple of hours myself. Hopefully nothing urgent will come up in he meantime. If anyone does need anything, type really loudly and I might wake up! :smiley:

OK. First draft done. Now I just have to go back and put in all the expectoratin’. I think the aliens will probably take care of that, though. They and the elves don’t hold with a lot of spitting in their magic forest. It’s okay I put that in, isn’t it? You said extra characters were okay.

Okay if someone else is doing aliens and elves I’m totally putting in the UFO scene I wasn’t sure about.

I hate you all. :smiley:

Okay so its the first year trying to write with a daughter… NOT ONE WORD WRITTEN! I dont suppose it would be NIAD without me cutting it right to the wire… I’m blaming her!

Can I blame your daughter too? Please? :blush:

Although in my head the ‘Triceptacon’ battle section is pretty much done…

I’ve asked her… she’s fine with it… :laughing:

A western - awesome!
I never thought about writing one myself, so this is really cool!

I got two questions:

  1. Does the Wells Fargo man riding into town to alert the Marshal have a name or do I need to call him “the Wells Fargo man”, which might become rather strange?

  2. Does the Marshal knwo about the contents of the stolen cases and / or is the content of any importance (to the story).

Cheers and happy writing!!

Done for now. I will wake up and look with fresh eyes. Can’t wait to read the rest of the books. Had a great time, thanks again for the invite.

560 words so far.

Time for a break.

I had a few problems with getting WordPad to open the instruction file, but it worked OK in Libre Office

There’s a lot that has to happen, and I have a feeling that my chapter is close to the end. The events fit with the genre conventions for that.

Hey Catcher74.

  1. I’ve not given him a name anywhere. You can refer to him however you like!
  2. The contents are mostly papers and a little bit of cash. Huge irritation to the bank, limited benefit to the robbers.

It’s not often I get told that! :smiley:

Assuming, of course, that I have any familiarity with the genre conventions. :blush: :smiley:

400 words short and the chapter is ‘finished’. Have to see if I can stretch it out some more.

I opened the pack before bed, a little drunk, and almost cried at the amount of info given! It’s obviously a good thing though, so drunken me should get a grip.

Everything I know about westerns comes from Red Dead Redemption on the Xbox, which is great for the soundtrack to get me in the mood but bad because that game is set a full 40 years after this story! :open_mouth: