Novel-in-a-Day 5: Go Set A NiaD

Yes pasting it and adding in the five is the best, I got all of them in one go as I have done them all :slight_smile:

I only heard about it on Weds…So I did well, I think…

Ahh! I see the nature of my error. Had I searched through the faq for “sweeeet forum badges” instead of “award signature” or “mug thingie” I’d have been more successful. Silly me. :neutral_face: :confused:

You’re right! It so is. Sharing to FB. :smiley: Thanks. vic-k. So, will you be getting your hands dirty with the rest of us next year come NIAD (translated alliance) day?

Don’t prick the devil! :imp: Besides, V’s hands are already dirty. That much we know.

OK gr, calm down! Relax!
Fairest Montree, o jewel of the firmament, the likelihood of me enrolling in Niad16, or any other for that matter, has a probability rating of zilch minus 10 to the power of 100. It’s the kind of commitment that would send my ME spiralling down into what is best described (in this case), as the writer’s block from hell. Faced with an imperative/deadline, my brain goes into shutdown. I avoid making commitments to others that I know I can’t live up to.

Anyway! enough of that. I am looking forward to reading both your contributions to this years Niad.
My expectations are high, but I know I won’t be disappointed.
Take care

I know several participants try their damnedest every year to get Meister Piggenfender to give them insider information and with much amusement. Perhaps if you spend the next 6 months trying to present a successful inducement, you could add months to your deadline instead of only the 24 which are allotted. In any case, your team spirit and rallying cry spur us all on to new heights of accomplishment and panic on each and every alliance (come NIAD) day. :wink:

I did notice there was nary a purple prose award issued this year. Perhaps next.

Enjoy the humble results (humble in my case) of our frenzied effort this year.

Oh, and yes, I own my jewel-like nature but fear it’s not of the firmament, but rather the element of fire.

Oh, and just to set the record straight, for those who wonder. I detest chick lit. Not on my reading list. Just love to pull on the porcine ambulatory unit. It affords me great amusement to even think of writing in that particular genre.