did it!!! 12 minutes to spare :slight_smile: Yay!

Done. 5 minute before deadline.

Made it with a minute to spare. I had one of the easier chapters but still.


Oh well, it was much better than my last attempt at NiaD. There is that.

Done, with two minutes to spare!

I figured I’d go with exactly 1,500 words since I was pretty close.

Looking forward to see if anybody else built out the steam-engine plot, and how well the supply lines for coal held up.

Can we do citations and acknowledgements?

I’d like to credit this study of food self-sufficiency in Washington DC. I bumped up their schedule from 2050, but got to add in the elephants from the National Zoo: … 9cdbb036d3

And the Go-Go soundtrack to my chapter would need to be “acousticized” with, yes, a little merengue accordion. But it might sound like this right here:
D.C Go Go mix 1
posted by Brother John’s

Also made it before the deadline, and also doing a Camp NaNoWriMo. This was more fun. Thank you, again, Mssr Pigfender!

Done and submitted! Sorry I am an hour past the deadline of 8:00 PM GMT.

Well? Will nobody entertain me… or do I have slope off and watch GOT again?

Reading through here I think I may have overthought my chapter :stuck_out_tongue:

Then you were probably doing it right… :smiley:


Horribly, I managed to completely forget to write my chapter. Grovelling, horrified apologies to Rog and all the other chapter writers. Hiding from Covid-19, in lockdown for the last three weeks, has robbed me of my brain.

After all the work Roberta has put into seducing her way to the top, I just hope she’s not killed off by some spoilsport in a later chapter.

Hilarious! :smiley:
I hope you’re feeling all right now.
I wonder if we had to write the same chapter?
There wasn’t much about the Apocalypse in mine, it was mostly about the White House staff and security!

Who is Roberta?
Did she work in security at the White House?
Was she involved in an Apocalypse?
I can hardly wait to find out what was really going on!

Getting worried now

Just want to send out huge thank you to Rog because without him this would never happen, and its been the best day of lockdown so far. So thank you Rog and you and yours stay safe.

I see that Pigfender is offline at the moment.
What do you think he’s up to? :neutral_face:

I’ve been worried all day! :mrgreen:

I’d like to second that! Rog is amazing!

Writing about the White House during an apocalypse helped me forget about events in the real dystopian world.
Keep safe and healthy, everyone!

I’m good now. My daughter thinks I have lost my mind, but that’s normal for this household. Excited to see what we all put together. And it sounds like we may have had the same chapter. Nothing apocalyptic in my brief. But I did learn there are a lot of rooms in the White House and they’re not willing to share just what kind of security systems they have installed. :smiley: