Is it too late for me to get out of it?

Would you like me to say yes or no? :slight_smile:
Hope all is ok?

Possibly. Or an enormous amount of creativity wanting to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world!

Ha! Just what the cat was telling me. :smiley:

Life is good. I just have issues with anxiety and depression. Other people’s suffering squishes me.
I’m sure I’ll be okay either way with this. I don’t have to read the whole thing. I just have to write my chapter. And ignore feels. :smiley:
This group makes me want to do it though. That and that darn little cup.
Looks like I forgot to grab my last cup too. :confused:
Short version. I’ll take whatever I get . I’ll be fine. :smiley:

Well, if you’re ever feeling squished, whether it’s a NiaD or any time in the future, you’ve got my email address.
I’m good at listening.

Aw thanks.

Fire in the hole !!!

Yo pork-sausage! Are we posting “real time bull manure” here or are you starting anew thread?

Here is good!

So nice to be in Australia where the timing is so much more civilised than the UK and daylight saving gives us an additional hour. At 10 am I read my brief over coffee and a croissant (all produced with copious electricity) and now I’m off!
Best wishes to all my collaborators and special thanks to Rog (even though he included US spellings - eg. ‘Defense’, in the brief)

Piggy is ALREADY telling me I can’t kill off the characters! I thought this was MY chapter. Now I have to add some gratuitous violence just to make the point the LOOOOONG way.

You can’t kill them if I kill them first.

But I go back in time and kill both of their parents …

Dude, that was, like, NIAD 8. As in done already.

You mean the Evil fire-spewing spider monsters from Alpha Ceti 6 haven’t already killed everybody except a plucky heroine, a handsome but oblivious nerd/scientist, an eight year old red-headed boy with freckles, and his trusty pitbull Petunia in your chapter?


And if it isn’t holding rum I don’t pay attention!

Hunh, the only part of that which shows up in my chapter is the freckles.

1200 and I haven’t gotten past the first sentence of “chapter details”. I’m doomed.

Just checking on a couple of details:

Indented paragraphs, you want a tab rather than spaces, yes?

How about emphasis? Italics or bold, actual or marked with asterisks or something?