This is fantasy and you can invent the world! :smiley:

Talking about being out of comfort zones - my chapter seems to be all about electrical engineering and I have a BA in English!!
Let the technobabble commence!

It can be about electrical engineering or about electical engineers

Or about non-electrical engineers trying to help electrical engineers and being rubbish at it… :astonished:)

With accordions!

Hah! I think I might have the same chapter as you. And I AM an electrical engineer, or at least I used to be, which I would argue makes things a whole lot worse. I mean, how accurate do you need this to be? And how boring could it get if I really went there?

Read my brief at midnight fell asleep and woke still not sure on this one :slight_smile: but have begun to get idea where I am going will be interesting read thanks Rog

First draft is doneskies, with 2300 words exactly. I never expected that I’d be spending the great majority of my day researching the American political system, or that I’d even somewhat enjoy doing that! It’s nice to be pleasantly surprised like this once in a while :astonished:

By the way – the first THREE chapters are in!
The first one actually arrived five hours ago, but I didn’t want to scare the rest of you.

Why do I never learn?
This project has progressed like pretty much every other single writing project ever:
Enjoy prep (in this case reading all the briefing materials)
Panic for hours/days/weeks that I can’t do it (in this case, luckily only 90 minutes)
Finally get my arse in a chair, open up a new document and start typing
And then the words just flow…

Why is actually starting always the hardest thing?

Haha, wow! Well done to those who have got their chapters in - my one is haaaaaard, lol.

I’ll be writing for the next few (many fews) hours and running word sprints on my Discord channel, if anyone wants to join me and jog each other along :slight_smile:

arhhhh now worried:)

Now I’m going to risk going to bed with an early alarm for a last polish (and a friend’s proofread).

I hope there’s some character development in other chapters because I’ve mostly building my own little world here. No idea how it’ll mesh with others. One mid-apocalyptic vision will flow into the rest.

Play an accordion, go to jail. It’s the law.

1600 words on the nose!

As an American from Indiana, I feel like I should’ve had a pretty good head start on this, but oof I struggled on this one.

My chapter is in. 4,200 words in a leisurely 10 hours, much of it with secret plans of the White House open on my desktop. Now for the red wine I’ve been denying myself.

Which jerk was that?

That last part was the mistake. Brain lube is the key!

Its a very special anniversary today for me so as soon as I get this done I am cracking open the champagne, we will do our one walk of the day and then enjoy a nice ribeye steak. :smiley: