Novel-in-a-Day (NIAD)... Day

My brief was so short I was happy to see sentence 2!!

(Incidentally, don’t take that as a complaint, it was fun)

People have 9 minutes left to put a post up on the forum saying they finished and then blaming the fact that it doesn’t arrive in my inbox until Tuesday on “web traffic, man I mean my neighbours I have no idea what they must be downloading on tha thing”

Screw web traffic, mine’s in the post.


just sent it. gotta get ready for work. hmmmm.

this has been great fun!

Now that the time has passed, just pretend they all arrived on time.

Clocks are slow in Cornwall.

Oh, we weren’t meant to write rubbish?

I agree it was fun, just realised I wrote mine as though it was the first time we meet Dr Warne. All these continuity errors are going to be hilarious…

Sorry! I’ve just sent it. It was compiled at 11.58pm on the dot (ignore the fact the the RTF file’s time stamp says 11.59pm!). I got a bit carried away and wrote 4,110 words - it should come as no surprise to anyone that I am a bit verbose, and in need of a good editor at the best of times.

Hey, thanks Pigfender for doing this! Although it has been rather stressful simply because it happened on a day where the wife was going out and I’d promised my son to build a complicated model robot with him, it has been fun writing to a deadline (almost met) and, well, actually just having to finish something. Because of this, I’m actually thinking that NaNo might be possible this year. So truly, thank you!

All the best,

P.S. Was I the last to get it in?

Those aren’t errors, those are continuity facts. Evidence of a mystery force at work beyond the imagination of us all.

Don’t worry, I barely introduced her in my bit, which was the first time we did meet her. You can’t have got the character that different.


I can’t wait to see these all, or where in the story mine is - I’ve got no clue, somewhere in the middle probably.

I think it will be great seeing how the personalities of the same characters shift in all the different sections. :slight_smile:

Who’s written 3,000ww? WHO? Bastards. Right, I’ll—DAMN. Deadline’s passed.

If I’d known I;d have file 4,000www including an alen princess and time travel.

…wait till next year.

Unless you count 5 still MIA.

Plus, ROBOTS! Cool!

Just like coding to a deadline, but easier to spot the bugs!

You are Chapter 18!

Well, I suppose they’ll get renumbered for the missing 5, but you WERE 18!

I told you to pretend they all got there!

So, are you going to name and shame them?


And write 5 more sections myself? Tonight?

In crayon?

On the plus side, I’m supposed to be playing American Football in 12.5 hours. What could possibly go wrong?