Novel-in-a-Day (NIAD)... Day

how dastardly! hope it doesn’t really make things difficult. btw, work was work. got there did my thing left as soon as i could. :smiley:

Hey guys,

I’m back. :slight_smile: Sounds like you had a blast while I was away.

Too bad we have 4 missing. And Pigfender, I think next year you shouldn’t have a section yourself. It seems like you had enough to deal with without having to write creatively.

I suppose I had it very easy; I had a completely isolated scene that I don’t think ties in to any of yours. It was in a supermarket. :smiley:

To me it was a whole lot of fun! It was great writing and watching the others write. Do it again next year? I’m up for it!


Mine was Monday Morning and Lisa is having a therapy session with Michael, to uncover his fear of the lots of dialogue, was a great exercise for me, loved every minute of it.

pig fender wrote: “…if major characters start meeting each other for the first time for the third time…”

Feh. I can do that all on my own.

Someone else wrote: "Who likes long character introductions anyway? "

Me. You get one. It opens the book. [HOLLOW LAUGH]

As to pig fender’s question, yes, tremendous fun. I enjoyed the lack of responsibility though it did prove tempting at times, especially with Nick the Detective. I had him killed on the A14 driving to hospital at one point but took that out. Also he’s black. I just didn’t mention that.

Seriously pleasant way to spend a morning. We should do it again, though someone else should take their turn at the helm; pig fender’s done his bit, and splendidly. (Not me. I have the administrative abilities of a satsuma.)

Humans, “Calm down Dears!” as our redoubtable Michael Winner would say.
This year’s NIAD is but the tiny acorn from which a mighty oak will grow. Cock ups (oops! rude word, sorry), and mistakes will have occurred and been made, but from these minor hiccups, lessons will have been learnt. Believe it or not, humans (granted, not all of them, but enough), can and do learn from their mistakes (the shrewd ones amongst you, learning from the mistakes of others).

A resounding, “WELL DONE!” is owed to Herr Schweinkotflügel, or 'Rog the Pig as he is affectionately known to his fellow miscreanti. It could take him a year to recover from this year’s NIAD.

Some photos of really nefarious looking characters, were used in this year’s effort. For next year, possibly a censor should be appointed for imagery used. Children could be looking over parent’s shoulders.

On the whole, a supreme effort from all concerned, Well done!:slight_smile:

I have a question how can I change my image, I have a lovely photo of my cat would love to use instead is that possible?

Top left of the form page… go to “User Control Panel”
Then “Profile”
Then “Edit Avatar”
You will need to link to an URL of the image

Blimey you people haven’t even read my section yet. It takes some spectactularly bad writing to get these kind of reviews before anyone has even SEEN it!?!?!

I suppose that’s a talent in itself! :))

Only with your cat’s permission, I’m afraid.

No, pig. You know that’s not what I meant. 90+ emails! That’s what I meant. :smiley:

Well bloody done pigfender!! I was a tad late with my submission… Is leeway granted for those who find themselves vomiting on the page?
Ps Robots?! Genius! Can’t wait!

I am being thick I have tried Picasso, Flickr and Facebook URL for image and keep getting message its not an allowed url?

If you find a pic, right click and choose view source. Then copy the link it gives you. It should start like a web page address and end in .jpeg or such like. Mind the dimensions and size listed in the avatar control panel you can only use very small pics.

Good luck.

Okay thank you all done Saskia is now showing

[quote=" rog"]
Blimey you people haven’t even read my section yet. It takes some spectactularly bad writing to get these kind of reviews before anyone has even SEEN it!?!?!

That’s the best y’ gonna get from Bywater, rog! Tact and diplomacy ain’t not his forty, like wot mine is.

Yeah it is! Scrivener’s full of it!:slight_smile:

I’ve put the file up as…

I’ll try and get a Kindle (.mobi) version done this evening.


And ePub too please! If I have all three, I’ll bundle them and put them up at my website. Are we going to upload them to Smashwords too as a free ebook? I think maybe we should. :slight_smile:

I’ve not read it yet, so let me know if I’ve destroyed the formatting or done anything silly with your section and i’ll fix it in the mobi and PDF update this evening.


I’ll do an ePub version but will need to get someone to test it works - I have no idea how to read thos files on a desktop and couldn’t get an online reader to load the file.

No reason not to upload once we’ve got a version thag has at least been read through once.

Told you my chapter was an in-betweener that would normally be edited down to 250 words.

The next chapter does exactly that!!

The first two paragraphs are the truncated version of my entire section :wink: