Other boards, or why do I torture myself like this...?

A point already raised by Jaysen, in this thread, is the possible creation of a thread devoted to Critique. We already have the, Scrivenings Forum, located on the deck below Writers Block, but it isnt extensively used for the purpose of critiquing.

Yesterday, I read all forty five threads, dating back to mid 2006 ( surely, time travel in its simplest form), seeking evidence of crew members, looking to have their literary endeavours critiqued by other members of Scriv`s crew. There are, not surprisingly, I suppose, very few. However, pre-eminent amongst those who did, is Natalie, with her thread, Day Day
I strongly recommend that you read, Day. I suspect that the sensible and sensitive way it was responded to, is typical of the response you could expect from the majority of the Scrivenerati.

Also worth mentioning is Phil Sheenans thread: https://forum.literatureandlatte.com/t/maybe-god-smiles-on-you/2739/1 John Dodds Free crime ebook
Andrés: https://forum.literatureandlatte.com/t/some-of-my-writings/4067/1 Bruces: Most of chapter 1!

Yall know what Col. Jessup said about truth. So! If you cant handle it, dont go looking for it. Simple as that. That said, I think Scrivs beam is wide enough, and her superstructure sturdy enough to carry a dedicated crit forum, and In the event that snide does rear its ugly head, I suspect itll be blasted to buggry in no time at all, by other Scrivenerati.

As Ive mentioned to Jaysen elsewhere, I seem to be encountering an exponentially increasing number of very long, steep, learning curves. Im finding them just too much for my ME addled brain to cope with. I seriously doubt Ill ever be in the position of being able to say to the rest of the crew, “Heres a big chunk of my first draft, what do think?” It just wont happen.

Apart from some spare time, I do have, languishing in the bowels of, ‘And Now For That Latte’, my shameful/shameless hijacking of, loft`s thread, ‘Anyone from London? I’m looking for a good coffee house…’ @ Anyone from London? I'm looking for a good coffee house...

In spite of intermittent postings from others, it morphed into an unfinished tale, of a delusional old duffer (me), and the events and characters he encounters on his quest for a Wi-Fi hotspot in his village. If I can get the old brain to function properly, for long enough, Im minded to finish it, and offer it up as the first sack of grist for our (maybe), new crit mill. What says ysall