Plot grid?

Well I’m happy to report that we can accomplish this in a Scrivener(W) pane right now by running some JavaScript in the Qt Web Engine that Scriv uses to display HTML files. I’ve had a Kanban script running in the Beta since last summer and it absolutely rocks. Just an extraordinarily writers’ tool for those who prefer a grid topology to the leaf topology used in mind maps.

Here’s an example of how a writer might use Kanban to organize his thoughts: some notes on this very topic for a forum post I never bothered to put up. The Kanban columns scroll independently, and of course the cells stretch to fit long paragraphs and can be dragged anywhere in the grid.

The script is My Personal Kanban by Greg Gigon. I’d recommend this video as an intro:

Download at: .

Now some cautions. My Personal Kanban uses your web browser’s local storage. That means that the grids you create are not actually retained within your project. Rather, you’ll get one set of grids in Scrivener (any project), another set in Firefox, another set in Chrome, etc. Without some auxiliary method of saving the grid content you create, you’re likely to lose it. My Personal Kanban offers a way to Export your grids to a JSON format, but the Scrivener Beta, at the moment, has no way to save or download the JSON file.

I’d love to see a Kanban view of Collections, and a Kanban document capability, integrated into Scrivener with proper binder autosaves. Remember that this is cross platform code as you consider the business case. I’d recommend the Kanban view in JQWidgets as a starting point for developers, and My Personal Kanban for tinkerers, since the latter has a rudimentary storage mechanism already built in.

Rgds - Jerome